fc-lowresjpgOctober 2016
Volume 29
Number 10


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Z Magazine is an independent monthly magazine founded in 1988. Our mission is to publish in depth articles that critique society's political, economic, social life and institutions. We see the race, class, and gender dimensions of personal life as equally important in understanding current circumstances and as necessary for developing visions and strategies for progressive change.






We survive through income from paid subscriptions, sales of videos and books, online Sustainers, individual donations. and periodic fundraising. We are non-profit, tax exempt under the Institute for Social and Cultural Communications. We are currently in dire need of funds. To donate by mail, send checks payable to Z Magazine, 215 Atlantic Ave, Hull, MA 02045 (508- 548-9063). To donate online go to: www.zcommunications.org and become a Sustainer.





The uproar continues over San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s decision to sit down, rather than stand, during the playing...
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In January 2013, President Barack Obama promised to make the rules for the United States’ targeted killing program “more transparent to the American people and the world”

Cash and carry has become nothing more than standard operating procedure in politics and government, and it’s wrecking the republic. The whole system is rotten to the core

There is a reason why 70 percent of black teenagers, like those who died in Shreveport, and 60 percent of Hispanic teenagers can’t swim. But it isn’t due to some genetic disorder, as some actually believe

There is a pressing issue in American health care

Milwaukee is a powder keg, long histories of racism, combined with recent incidents of police shootings. held the city on edge

Over the Labor Day weekend, security guards for a petro pipeline company used attack dogs and pepper spray against Native Americans resisting construction of a $3.8 billion pipeline through North Dakota, a project they say is desecrating land sacred to the Standing Rock Sioux

Protections that inhibit investigating, charging, or firing police officers who have been accused of brutality are often written into union contracts.

The U.S. law creating the control board, known by its acronym PROMESA, grants the oversight panel the power to cut pensions, labor contracts with civil servants, and social services, to restructure its $73 billion debt load.


To force the VA to use its drugs, Big Pharma set up dummy foundations and turned to existing veterans’ organizations for support

It’s easy to say, “Let’s strike back with violence”—police repression, carpet-bomb them to oblivion (Ted Cruz), etc.—very much what al-Qaeda and ISIS have hoped for, and very likely to intensify the problems,

It’s all to the good that Our Revolution is encouraging progressives around the country to plan far ahead for effective electoral races, whether for school board, city council, state legislature or Congress

The Obama Doctrine is Ravaging the Middle East

The reality is that Syria is still a sovereign country with a legitimate government still in place. No matter what may be true about the Syrian government or the all-but-uncountable forces arrayed against it and within it, the government remains legitimate, which is why the U.S. and others keep calling for its overthrow.

As of August 1, 2016, a new law allows concealed handguns in college and university buildings. We’re about to find out what difference guns in the classroom make in the relationships of students, faculty and staff—and in the character of higher education.

According to witnesses from his unit and the village, Kerrey helped kill the elderly Bui Van Vat and gave the order to shoot women and children. A “baby was the last one alive,” unit member Gerhard Klann recalled


In Motion provides a vivid glimpse of a world that no longer exists

Ian Angus’s book about humanity and our planet is a must-read.


Events, new book releases, and other items of interest to progressives

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SURVEILLANCE - As part of the 2016 Convention, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee will be hosting a session titled “The Growing State of Surveillance and the Fallacy of Protection,” October 1, in Washington, DC.

Contact: 1990 M Street NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC 20036;  202-244-2990; adc@adc.org. http://www.adc.org/.  

MUSIC FESTIVAL - Harry Belafonte’s group Sankora will have its first annual social justice festival Many Rivers To Cross, featuring many artists, October 1-2, in Chattahoochee Hilla, GA.

Contact: https://www.sankofa.org/. 

SPACE MILITARIZATION - October 1-8 is Keep Space for Peace Week, an international week of protest to stop the militarization of space.

Contact: http://space4peace.org/.  

STREET BANDS - The 11th Annual HONK! Festival of activist street bands will take place October 7-9, in Somerville, MA.

Contact: HONK! Festival, 100 Jackson Street, Cambridge, MA 02140;  webmaster@honkfest.org; http://honkfest.org/.  

SCHOOL OF AMERICAS/BORDER - The annual vigil to protest the School of the Americas is scheduled for October 7-10, by School of the Americas (SOA) Watch. This year the conference is moved from Fort Benning, GA to the militarized US/Mexico border in Nogales Arizona/Sonora.

Contact: SOA Watch, PO Box 4566, Washington, DC 20017; 202-234-3440; info@soaw.org; http://soaw.org. 

TEACHERS - The 16th Annual Teaching for Social Justice Conference, Intersection of Teaching and Power, will be held October 8 in San Francisco, CA. The free event features workshops, resources, and free childcare.

Contact: 415-676-7844; teachers4socialjustice@yahoo.com; http://www.t4sj.org/. 

SDS - Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) will be holding its 11th National Convention, October 8-9, in Minneapolis, MN.

Contact: UMN SDS, 1930 Elliot Ave S #3, Minneapolis, MN 55404; http://www.newsds.org/.

 PEACE WALK - The 5th Maine Peace Walk will take place on October 11 – 26. The organizing team is made up of individuals who are dedicated to creating a more peaceful, sustainable and just world.

Contact: Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, PO Box 652, Brunswick, ME 04011; (207) 443-9502; globalnet@mindspring.com; http://www.space4peace.org/.                         

 COLUMBUS - October 10 is Columbus Day. Many groups around the country work to challenge traditional ethnocentric views of Columbus the sole discoverer of America, as well as challenging the celebration of invasion, cruelty, oppression and cultural imperialism.

Contact: http://www.transformcolumbusday.org.  

FILM FESTIVAL - The Seattle Social Justice Film Festival will be held October 13-16 in venues around Seattle.

Contact: http://www.socialjusticefilmfestival.org/.  

IROQUOIS - The 2016 Conference on Iroquois Research will be held October 14-16, near Albany, NY.

Contact: francis.scardera@sympatico.ca; http://www.iroquoia.org/.  

SCHOOLS - The Dignity in Schools Campaign will be holding the 7th Annual Week of Action Against School Pushout from October 15-23. The week of action is organized to raise awareness about the school pushout in the nation's schools and lift up local member campaigns that are pushing back against school pushout.

Contact: http://www.dignityinschools.org/.  

POLICE BRUTALITY - October 22 is the 20th National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality. Events are planned in various cities nationwide.

Contact: http://www.october22.org/; http://www.stopmassincarceration.net/.  

ENVIRONMENT - The APIEL (Appalachian Public Interest Environmental Law) Conference will be held October 22-23, at the University of Tennessee College of Law in Knoxville. The conference brings together hundred of eco-minded and socially conscious activists, attorneys, students, scientists and citizens in the interest of social justice.

Contact: PO Box 20363, Knoxville, TN 37920; apiel.info@gmail.com; http://www.apiel.org/.

 RESTORATIVE PRACTICES - The International Institute for Restorative Practicies (IIRP) will host its 21st World Conference, October 24-26, in Bethlehem, PA.

Contact: 610-807-9221; registrar@iirp.edu; http://www.iirp.edu/.  

PALESTINE - The Students for Justice in Palestine conference will be November 4-6 at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA, with the theme “Critical Mass: With Our Roots in Resistance, Forging a Just Future.”

Contact: http://www.nationalsjp.org/. 

BLACK IS BACK - The annual Black is Back national conference will be held November 5-6 in Washington, DC, and will be a Convention of resistance beginning with a rally and march on the White House on November 5th.

Contact: 917-818-0466; http://www.blackisbackcoalition.org/. 

EDUCATION - The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) will host its 26th annual conference, NAME: The Multicultural Lens of Equity for ALL, in Cleveland, OH, November 9-13.

Contact: http://nameorg.org.  

RACE - The 2016 Facing Race national conference will take place November 10-12, in Atlanta, GA. The conference is a national, multi-racial gathering of leaders, educators, journalists, artists and activists.

Contact: arc.org/facingrace/. 

ARTS - The 78th Annual Conference For Community Arts will take place November 2-5, in Chicago, IL. The conference provides professional development and networking opportunities for staff, faculty, trustees and teaching artists at more than 350 arts education organizations and programs.

Contact: 520 8th Ave., Suite 302, New York, NY 10018; 212- 268-3337; guildinfo@ nationalguildorg; http://communityartsed.nationalguild.org/.  

WOMEN'S STUDIES - The National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) will host its annual conference November 10-13, in Montreal, Quebec, under the theme Decoloniality.

Contact: NWSA, 11 E Mount Royal Ave., Suite 100, Baltimore, MD 21202; 410-528-0355; wsaoffice@nwsa.org; http://www.nwsa.org/. 

ZULU/HIP-HOP - November 11-13 is Universal Zulu Nation’s 43rd Anniversary and the 42nd Anniversary of Hip Hop Culture in New York City. Events are planned in Florida.

Contact: http://www.zulunation.com/. 

BROOKLYN FOR PEACE - Brooklyn For Peace will honor Moustafa Bayoumi, Frances Fox Piven, Opal Tometi, and Granny Peace Brigade at the organization’s Pathmakers To Peace event, November 17.

Contact: 41 Schermerhorn Street, PMB 106, Brooklyn, NY 11201; 718-624-5921; bfp@brooklynpeace.org; http://www.brooklynpeace.org/.






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