ACT News

Tim the Yowie Man

Nobody knows the Canberra region like Tim the Yowie Man.

Ken Helm gives cheers to the arrival of the Batemans Breath at his Murrumbateman Vineyard.

Tim the Yowie Man: Summer saviour

When the calendar clicks over to March later this week, there will undoubtedly be a collective sigh of relief around the Canberra region. Phew! One of our hottest summers on record, if not the hottest, will finally be over.

Peering out of the large cavern at Booderee's Cave Beach.

Tim the Yowie Man: Beautiful Booderee

A surprising number of Canberrans have not heard of Booderee National Park, despite the fact it attracts more visitors per year than Uluru and Kakadu combined.

Whitehaven Beach, Queensland, one of several beaches which claims to have the whitest sand in Australia.

Tim the Yowie Man: White out

Several readers have taken exception with assertion by some Hyams Beach locals that Jervis Bay has the whitest sand in Australia.