
Australia's education system: how do we compare with the rest of the world?

This week the OECD released its major education report card comparing school systems and higher education in 35 advanced economies. 

Federal education minister Simon Birmingham seized on the report, Education at a Glance, saying while it highlighted Australia's "world-class education system", it also showed more money does not improve results.

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Schools funding explained

Why school funding is set to become one of the most important debates in Australian politics.

On the other side of the debate, the Australian Education Union used the same report to point out Australian teachers have bigger classes and more teaching hours than the OECD average.

They're both cherry-picking the report to make their favourite argument.

So what does the data show? 

Education spending - above average

In terms of money spent per school student, Australia is the OECD's 10th biggest spender, well above average, and behind (in order), Luxembourg, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, the UK, Austria, Belgium, Sweden and the Netherlands. The OECD average was $US122,000 per student. 


Our overall public and private education spending (including tertiary) is 5.6 per cent of GDP, slightly higher than the average of 5.2pc. 

The government's tab for all levels of education (including tertiary) was 27pc fatter in 2013 than it was just five years earlier, so public spending on education has been growing fast even before the "Gonski" funding for schools was rolled out. Supporters of Gonski funding argue this is because the money was spent on the wrong things and was not allocated according to need.

School funding - mixed

Primary school funding per student in Australia in 2013 was below the OECD average ($US8289 compared with $US8477). But Australia's secondary education spending was above average ($US10,932 compared with $US9811). 

Early childhood - below average

In 2014, 69pc of three-year-olds were enrolled in some form of early childhood education, just below the OECD average. But only 20pc of the money spent on early childhood came from government sources, the rest out of parents' pockets. The OECD average sees 80pc of early childhood education funded publicly.

Due to national regulations, Australia has the highest educator-to-child ratios in the world. It's five children per carer in Australia, while 14 was the OECD average. 

School class sizes - above average

In 2013 average class sizes in Australian primary schools were 24 students, (OECD average was 21), while secondary schools averaged 24 students (OECD average 23).

Ms Haythorpe from the AEU argues this means "Australian teachers are doing more face-to-face teaching than the OECD average, and teaching bigger classes, because our school system is under-resourced."

But class sizes have shrunk: the trend data indicates that high school classrooms have dropped by an average of four children in the past decade in Australia. 

Classroom hours - long

Australia has the world's longest period of compulsory education with 11 years of primary and secondary education. The OECD average is nine years. 

Teacher salaries - above average

Teacher salaries in preschool are 35pc higher than the OECD average, but they slip down to 13pc higher in high school. Australia stands out for having a relatively flat distribution of salaries - it only takes teachers 8.3 years to get from starting salary to the top of the scale, compared with the OECD average of 25 years.

The federal government wants to change the structure of teacher salaries by linking pay increases to performance measures rather than time served, and NSW has already embarked on the change.

Tertiary education levels - high

Our share of tertiary educated adults is high - 43pc, behind only Canada, Japan, Israel, Korea, the US and the UK. But most of those are bachelor's degrees as just 6pc of Australians have masters degrees, well below the OECD average of 11pc.

In 2015, 89pc of men and 79pc of women with tertiary education were employed; which is in line with the OECD average. That's good news not just because graduates earn higher salaries, but because people with higher levels of education report higher life satisfaction, too. 

Tertiary education fees - high 

Australia's tertiary fees are the fifth highest in OECD countries, after Canada, Japan, Korea and the US; and they have been growing fast. Bachelor's degrees cost on average 20pc more than they did a decade ago, and master's degrees - which are the world's second most expensive after the US - cost 85pc more than a decade ago. Fees for international students are even higher.

Tertiary education spending - high 

Australia spends significantly more than the OECD average per tertiary student - this is largely due to our investment in research which helps drive our universities showings in the global rankings and hence attract international students. But despite this, 58 pc of the money spent on tertiary education comes out of private pockets, not public money. 

International enrolments - high

In 2014, we were the fifth most popular destination for international students, with 8% of the global share, behind the US, the UK, France and Germany.  
