Matthew Knott | WAtoday

Matthew Knott is a Fairfax Media reporter based in the United States. He previously worked in the Canberra press gallery and recently finished a Masters of Journalism at Columbia University in New York.

'A wild 12 months': Trump's tumultuous second year

'A wild 12 months': Trump's tumultuous second year

The second year of Donald Trump's presidency was, in many ways, more dramatic than the first. And it's ending in chaos.

  • by Matthew Knott


'Tens of thousands' of Australian firms could be affected by Chinese hack

'Tens of thousands' of Australian firms could be affected by Chinese hack

China's intelligence services have hacked Australia's biggest providers of software services in an extraordinary penetration that the west is now calling out.

  • by David Wroe, Nick McKenzie & Matthew Knott
Why James Mattis' departure is terrible news for Australia

Why James Mattis' departure is terrible news for Australia

The year in US politics is not ending so much as imploding, and alarm bells are ringing.

  • by Matthew Knott
Trump's Syria retreat shows he can't be tamed or changed

Trump's Syria retreat shows he can't be tamed or changed

An "axis of adults" inside Donald Trump's administration tried to mould him into a conventional Republican president. His Syria troop withdrawal shows they failed.

  • by Matthew Knott
'Step in right direction': Trump lauds Australia's move on Jerusalem

'Step in right direction': Trump lauds Australia's move on Jerusalem

The Trump administration says Australia's decision to recognise West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is a "recognition of reality".

  • by Matthew Knott
'The President committed a felony': Fog of scandal around Trump thickens

'The President committed a felony': Fog of scandal around Trump thickens

Prosecutors are examining whether Trump's inaugural committee raised illegal funds. Speculation mounts that Trump could face prosecution when he leaves office.

  • by Matthew Knott
The case for breaking up Facebook

The case for breaking up Facebook

"Academic superstar" Tim Wu wants the US government to break up corporate monopolies - starting with Facebook. And he isn't alone.

  • by Matthew Knott
Christmas can't come soon enough for Donald Trump

Christmas can't come soon enough for Donald Trump

This year is ending with Trump a battered and beleaguered figure. Political bombs are exploding everywhere he looks.

  • by Matthew Knott
Trump's former fixer Cohen sentenced to prison for 'smorgasbord of fraud'

Trump's former fixer Cohen sentenced to prison for 'smorgasbord of fraud'

As he choked back tears in a New York courtroom, Michael Cohen said his weakness had been “a blind loyalty to Donald Trump".

  • by Matthew Knott
Donald Trump in extraordinary Oval Office spat with 'Chuck and Nancy'

Donald Trump in extraordinary Oval Office spat with 'Chuck and Nancy'

"Let's call a halt to this," Nancy Pelosi begged, as Donald Trump argued with her and Chuck Schumer in front of the media. The President was undaunted.

  • by Matthew Knott
Global policy makers are watching Australia over Google and Facebook

Global policy makers are watching Australia over Google and Facebook

The ACCC report into ways to regulate Facebook and Google has received plaudits in the UK and US, which are both grappling with similar issues.

  • by Matthew Knott & Nick Miller