Clearing and Settlement of Cash Equities in Australia

Welcome to information about the clearing and settlement services ASX provides for cash equities in Australia.

Although largely invisible to market users, clearing and settlement services are critical to the operation of Australia’s financial markets. The clearing and settlement services provided by ASX help reduce counterparty and systemic risk, and provide transaction efficiency and certainty for end investors.

Backed by significant capital and collateral, and overseen by Australian regulators, ASX’s clearing and settlement infrastructure supports the world-class reputation of Australia's financial markets.

ASX is committed to working with its customers and other industry stakeholders in the provision and ongoing development of clearing and settlement services to ensure that the needs of users are met and that these services are aligned with global standards.

The ASX Cash Equities Clearing and Settlement Code of Practice sets out ASX’s commitments to its customers and other stakeholders in managing cash equities clearing and settlement infrastructure and services for the Australian market.  The Code of Practice was updated in October 2016 to align it with the ‘Regulatory Expectations for the Conduct of Cash Equity Clearing and Settlement Services in Australia’ released by the Council of Financial Regulators on 12 October 2016.