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He hates time! Make it stop! When did Nirvana become classic rock?

Via Kevin Drum, I came across this article looking at the geographical distribution of Trump’s support. Most of the article focuses (reasonably enough) on the racial angle, but along the way there’s a short off-hand comment about 1992:

His [Trump’s] geographic pattern of support is not just about demographics — educational attainment, for example. It […]

Foundation and Trumpire (Pt. 2)

My optimism for our political future is premised on three assumptions:

Trump will not, through action or inaction, build or help to build any sort of movement infrastructure that will last beyond his own ego-driven involvement. Trump will not, through action or inaction, allow any other candidate to be more effective than him at channeling […]

Politics explained in three posts

Look at the number of comments on the post about gay marriage and politics. Then look at the number of comments on the posts about budgetary policy and political ideology.


Kulturkampf uber alles.

Our political future on holiday (part 2)

Our family is now looking at its first gay wedding. The precise date, location, and size of the event are yet to be determined, but this is happening. I can’t say that everyone in the family is equally thrilled, but I can at least say that most are thrilled and that everyone loves our relative […]

Our political future on holiday (part 1)

Thomas Friedman can learn everything that needs to be learned about politics by talking to a taxi driver, and I’m going to do the same based on one holiday trip to see relatives in the DC area. (Sorry for not meeting up, Jim, but the schedule was heavily tied up with family stuff.)

One need […]

Narratives have consequences


It’s been a while since any of us at this blog felt like blogging about libertarianism as libertarianism (or, really, since we blogged much about anything, for that matter), but recently something occurred to me in talking to a very conservative family member during a Christmas trip.

(Some) Libertarians have made much […]


I wouldn’t necessarily agree with the way this article attributes so much wisdom to US policymakers, but I do love reading that people in Moscow are surprised at how an intervention in the Middle East might be messier than originally contemplated.

For the sake of the Syrians I hope that Russia’s intervention winds down swiftly. […]

Fading Trumpets

The more I think about Trump the less scared I am. As I said in the previous post, what terrified me the most about Trump was the possibility that he’d function as a Goldwater figure. However, downblog I noted that Trump rose through his own self-promotion, whereas Goldwater helped bring a movement to prominence. Here, […]

The unwinding storm?

The most plausible danger of the Trump campaign is not that he’ll win (I keep telling myself), but that he’ll usher in another chapter in the history of his party, a dangerous chapter. Barry Goldwater lost by a massive margin in 1964, but what he set in motion has reverberated for more than 50 years.


Bush’s fourth term?

The San Bernardino attacks were carried out by an American and a Pakistani, who met in Saudi Arabia.

But if there’s any evidence that the shooters “liked” ISIS on Facebook, or that they said something approving about ISIS while eating a yellow cake, then that’s one more reason to attack ISIS targets in Iraq.