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American Snipe Hunt

By Thoreau

If American Sniper wins Best Picture the entire staff of will be hospitalized for strokes. If it doesn’t win, everyone at Fox News will be hospitalized. I haven’t seen any of the nominated movies, so I have no interest in the contest, but I am interested in the fallout.

The church ladies of the left

By Thoreau

Nobody likes a liberal scold. OK, nobody likes a conservative scold either, but people really don’t like a liberal scold. You expect conservatives to scold you. It’s a risk you assume when you go to Thanksgiving dinner with your crazy uncle. It’s a risk you assume when you are sitting at an event […]

Today’s misc. observations

By Thoreau

1) “Strategic plan” is the English translation of pyatiletka.

2) There’s a certain kind of student, who is usually but not always male, who cannot do simple things like solve equations or show up to class on time or construct a sentence in standard English, but who is nonetheless really passionate about quantum […]

Comments stalwart Eli Rabett takes job in Amherst

By Thoreau

In order to comply with a rather, um, unique interpretation of nuclear export control laws, UMass Amherst has decided to bar Iranian students from its science and engineering programs. Three observations:

1) This will do zilch to stop their nuclear program, or nuclear not-quite-a-program, or peaceful-energy-program-that-is-definitely-not-related-to-nuclear-weapons, or whatever.

2) This is counter to […]

It’s not a matter of degree

By Thoreau

I completely agree with this: Scott Walker’s lack of a college degree is not a smart thing to harp about, and I say that as somebody who has gotten the third degree. If Scott Walker has succeeded in getting white collar jobs without a college degree, more power to him. The question to […]

A frozen melting pot

By Thoreau

There are few things that make me feel more stridently patriotic than our pop culture and our ability to integrate it with the customs of our newcomers. I spent the evening with some immigrant families celebrating Chinese New Year a few days early, and when it came time for the little kids to […]

Get your Phil of it

By Thoreau

And now, for the second day in a row, I again link approvingly to a Phil Ebersole post, this time on the topic of the world’s most powerful conventional military training people to successfully fight more powerful conventional militaries.

Policing speech lets police off the hook

By Thoreau

I pretty much agree with everything in Phil Ebersole’s latest post. I think he covers the problems with political correctness (including its mirror image on the right) far better than Jonathan Chait (obviously), but also better than Freddie deBoer (whom I respect). We live in a world where institutions (and to a lesser […]

No Direction, Home or Otherwise

In Benjy Sarlin’s article this morning on GOP longshots who are choosing to run, when you come down to it, to troll the mildly anti-interventionist Rand Paul in debates, we learn:

One Pew poll last September conducted after ISIS’ rise found that 46% of Republicans believed the US did “too little” to solve […]

Believe me when I say to you I like these Russians more than Season Two

By Thoreau

Season 3 of The Americans has done something very unusual: It has become less episodic than the previous seasons, and is taking more time to unwind plot lines over multiple episodes than they did in the first two seasons. Most TV shows become more episodic as time goes on rather than less episodic. […]