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Are you smarter than a physics professor?

By Thoreau

1) Is there a liquid in the outer core of the earth? If so, do you know what sort of liquid it is?

2) True or false: The expansion of the universe, and the associated red shifts of distant galaxies, is due to the expansion of space itself.

These questions are motivated by […]

Why is it that they can say ****** and we can’t?

By Thoreau

As a child, I loved Charlie Brown. Come to think of it, I still love the musical “You’re a good man, Charlie Brown.” Consequently, my grandfather gave me a nickname based on Charlie Brown: Charlie Brownguinea. He still uses it. Since my grandfather likes to be silly and sometimes makes up words, I […]

You learn something new every day

By Thoreau

I was unaware that the Coptic Christian Church has a ban on its followers traveling to Israel. I’m opposed to travel bans as a solution to political problems, because I think that people visiting and mingling with each other is the best way to find solutions. Still, since a sizable portion of the […]

A government small enough to drown in a bathtub is small enough to lose an election

By Thoreau

The Economist surveys commentary from the right and its detractors, and sums up with this insightful bit:

Good luck with that, Mr Norquist. Voters shy from hard choices. Lexington’s bet is that Americans will never give the Republicans a clean mandate to drown the sort of state they have now. Like voters everywhere, […]

We just need alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon, right?

By Thoreau

As grading season approaches, academic bloggers start weighing in on grading policy. Personally, I think we have too many grades. I don’t know that I can establish a clear distinction between the B+ student and the B student. I think we could get by just fine with fewer grades. However, I would not […]

And while we’re at it, let’s tie Kate Middleton’s tubes

By Thoreau

I hate royalty. Were it up to me, Prescott Bush would have had a vasectomy, Hillary Clinton would be practicing law, and the entire Kennedy clan would have been entombed with JFK, Egyptian-style. In fact, I would have disqualified Arnold Schwarzenegger from the ballot just on the basis of his marriage to a […]

There’s platinum in them there asteroids

By Thoreau

Perhaps I’m being too pessimistic about asteroid mining, but I have serious doubts about the feasibility of extracting enough platinum or whatever from an asteroid to justify the expense. Then again, maybe I’m wrong, and this will actually work. However, a few points to ponder:

1) Forget about property rights for mining, what […]

Nervous about the associated implications

By Thoreau

About 10 years ago I learned about the Implicit Association Test. I went online and took it. I was not blinded to the purpose of the study, so I was nervous about screwing up on questions that might show prejudice, and I was extra careful on those questions. Of course, taking longer on […]

Prop 666: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!

By Thoreau

In the midst of a discussion of how to make wars harder to start and sustain, Jason Kuznick makes an interesting suggestion: Hold a vote before we can have a war. Now, there’s a number of predictable directions that this could go:

Weasel direction #1: How do we distinguish a war from a […]

Today’s musings

By Thoreau

1) Forget the new sheriff in town, there’s a new gang in town.

2) I understand why some people consider street protest ineffective these days, but before we go off on how unseemly it is, recall that the revered Founders themselves enshrined the right to assemble to petition for a redress of grievances. […]