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Unqualified Offerings: Corrupting America’s Youth Since 2001

Unqualified Offerings: Corrupting America’s Youth Since 2001 – Your free IHS Summer Seminars list.


UNworkable – Stupid unaccountable bureaucracy! Ineffectual talking shop on the Hudson! It took the UN seven months to fire the staffer the leadership considered most responsible for allowing the August 19 bombing of its Baghdad headquarters to occur. Seven months! You’ll note that when the the government of, by and for the people suffered an […]

Latest Notes from the Hellmouth

Latest Notes from the Hellmouth – Your daily dose of outrage comes, as so often, from Zero Intelligence:

MLK is one of those ‘progressive’ schools that suspends everybody in a fight regardless of whether they were instigating it or defending themselves. They have a solution for her problem though – for the past couple of […]

A Fanboy’s Labor-Saving Device

A Fanboy’s Labor-Saving Device – Eve Tushnet spends three paragraphs saving me work:

First let me get the polemical point out of the way: People who complain about superhero characters’ vigilantism are being too literal-minded and missing the point. The situations superhero characters confront are meant to mirror or illuminate situations we face. Sometimes the […]

But What About the Mysterious Blue Area on the Moon

But What About the Mysterious Blue Area on the Moon – Dave Allan, official second-oldest friend of Unqualified Offerings, tips me to Nobel-Laureate Steven Weinberg’s critique of the President’s Manned Mission to Mars program in the New York Review of Books. (Read it fast. Most NYRB articles pass behind a pay wall within a couple […]

Toward More Gaudy Nights

Toward More Gaudy Nights – Last week was a busy one, so I haven’t been able to properly address the comment thread for “Gaudy Night” at Brainwash. I hope to get to it in the next day or two. The most sweeping objections come from Rich Puchalsky and deserve detailed comment, but in brief, I […]

A Fanboy’s Reviews

A Fanboy’s Reviews – Yes, I’ve become a crummy comics blogger! Let’s try to make up for it a little with some reviews:

Tell Me Something (Jason) – Basically, a James M. Cain story for furries. One-name cartoonist Jason chronicles a love triangle involving a crow poet-turned-pickpocket, his coke-snorting crow ex-girlfriend and her dog husband, […]


Counterpoint – Hesiod defends the Clinton Administration from – me.

Here’s the essential problem with Jim’s argument. The Clinton administration did not invade or launch a massive attack on Afghanistan for PRACTICAL reasons. Reasons that did not exist with respect to Kosovo where we had a unanimous NATO backing us up.

Hesiod makes a good […]

Not Much Gets Past the Boy

Not Much Gets Past the Boy – Matthew Yglesias finds the flaw in the “remake the Middle East” ointment:

Along these lines, it’s worth raising the question of whether the current administration really wants a democratic Iraq, or whether the reason their policies seem so unlikely to create one is that they in fact fear […]

Let’s Not Kid Ourselves

Let’s Not Kid Ourselves – Amid the back and forth between the Clinton and Bush camps over who did and didn’t do enough to prioritize antiterrorism before the massacres of September 11, 2001, the lamest apologia for the Clinton Administration is that they couldn’t have taken stronger military measures against al Qaeda because public support […]