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Treasure Planet

is the best movie of all time.

Chil’in’ Again

Forget Thanksgiving. Wednesday, Unqualified Offerings could no longer fight the urge to make chili again, incorporating ideas from some of the reader e-mails on the subject. (See here if you don’t remember, and scroll up for more.) UO’s goal was to use much less spice this time, allowing the ingredients to shine. So:

2# chuck, […]


is the name of an excellent essay on the Beatles and buying a handgun, on Seablogger. It’s not every day you’ll find the September 2001 massacres, beach bums and deer hunters in the same piece of writing.

Happy Thanksgiving

to this site’s US readers! Today is an excellent day to make a start on what Unqualified Offerings likes to call “garbage soup,” a dish that UO guarantees is better than it sounds.

It’s actually not a soup recipe as such, just a way of making sure you can always have stock if you need […]

Put Away Childish Things

Memo to the Backstreet Boys: If your youngest member is 22, you’re not a boy band any more (Backstreet Boys sue label for $75M).

NEW YORK (AP) — The Backstreet Boys have sued their record label for $75 million, saying the label has been courting their youngest star, snubbing the rest of them and delaying […]

In Through the Revolving Door

Quotable Talking Dog on another topic:

[T]he President named “Ten Most Evil Men of Twentieth CenturyTM” member Henry Kissinger as head of the commission to study the events surrounding the September 11th terror attacks. I have nothing to add. Which is ALSO what we can expect from this commission.

The Israeli Beat

Your Talking Dog has interesting musings about the current Israeli election campaign. First he considers whether Labour candidate Avram Mitzna’s platform constitutes “appeasement”:

Guess what? Israeli settlers shouldn’t be in Gaza – it’s not in ISRAEL’S national interest to have them there. Strategically, they present a problem (seemingly recognized only by Amram Mitzna!) but from […]

Canard Lines

Contrary to what the folks at Giants and Dwarfs seem to argue, it is not necessarily antisemitic to speculate on what Israeli intelligence may have known in advance about the attacks on the World Trade Center. (One more time: Governments do creepy things sometimes; Intelligence agencies do creepy things sometimes; Israel has a government; Israel […]

A Fanboy’s Notes: You Can’t Make This Stuff Up Edition

Via Metastasis, this story of a costumed vigilante in New York City. Let Unqualified Offerings rephrase: this article about a costumed vigilante in New York City. From ABC News. There’s an arch-villain too.

But while Terrifica has never addressed Fantastico directly, her alter-ego Sarah has. Sarah says she was seduced by Fantastico years ago.


What is the Opposite of a Peace Process

Superb article by Jim of Objectionable Content on the so-called “No Fly zones” in northern and southern Iraq – what they are not (mandated by the UN), what they don’t do (protect Iraqi civilians) and what they do do (“What’s the opposite of a peace process?” Jim asks). Jim documents that the US and Britain […]