'Only strange people found it odd we let our kids watch the birth': Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver, wife Jools, and their children after their birth of River Rocket.
Jamie Oliver, wife Jools, and their children after their birth of River Rocket. Photo: Getty

Jamie Oliver says doesn't understand the controversy around his two eldest daughters watching the birth of his youngest child.

The celebrity chef announced earlier this year that Poppy Honey, 14, and Daisy Boo, 13, watched his wife Jools deliver their brother River Rocket, with Poppy cutting the umbilical cord.

The move was praised by some, while critics said a delivery room is no place for a child.

However, Oliver said he was surprised that it was seen as a controversial move.

He told Good Housekeeping, "It's only controversial to really strange people! Most of the world has home births, and different countries have different habits.

"It was an idea from mum and the kids, and we gave it lots of thought. As soon as the baby was out and safe, we got the nod - Poppy cut the umbilical cord.

"To see my two teenagers watch their mum was extraordinary. It was the right age for them, the right scenario for us, and I witnessed their initial raw emotion as the little one was handed to them.

"I know they respect their mum now even more than they already did. It was an amazing show of strength."


I love catching Buds unaware that I am watching him! He is so gentle and loving with River it's beautiful to watch πŸ’™

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