Some Cold Comfort To Ease You Through The Alarming Zooper Dooper Shortage

Everything's going to be OK, we promise.

02/12/2016 4:18 PM AEDT | Updated 12 hours ago
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Andrew Pettigrew on Facebook

There are reports this Friday that some stores in Queensland are reporting a Zooper Dooper shortage as the heatwave strikes. This is obviously quite distressing.

So is this a disaster for us all? Is there mass panic in the aisles as Australians stock up on their favourite affordable icy treat?

Ant Sharwood, who can't draw at all
The author has been taken outside and flayed with a limp zooper dooper for his shocking artistic prowess.

We think not. The Huffington Post Australia has just contacted Lion Dairy & Drinks, who make Zooper Doopers. We pretty much just, wait for it, "cold-called" them.

Basically we wanted to know a potted history of the Zooper Dooper. They were around when most of us were kids. Then they seemed to disappear for a while. And now they're back, big time. What's the deal? And has the Big Bash cricket sponsorship helped sales?

Boy, didn't we learn a lot today. We learned that Zooper Doopers have 11.1 grams of sugar per tube, and that they're 99 percent made of Australian stuff. We learned that they've been around since 1974, and that there are 43 calories per ZD.

Our other findings can be summarised below:

Ant Sharwood, who can't draw at all
A 4-year-old draws better than this idiot.

Ant Sharwood, who can't draw at all
Little known fact: they're using frozen lemonade-flavoured stumps this year.

Ant Sharwood, who can't draw at all
Is that a cat? What is that thing?

Have a zooper dooper weekend, everybody. Stay cool out there.

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