
Anna Patty

Anna Patty is Workplace Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald. She is a former State Political Reporter and Education Editor.
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Ashleigh Mounser was underpaid in numerous jobs in Wollongong.

The great student swindle: how young people are being ripped off

Ashleigh Mounser took to Facebook to vent about being offered as little as $10 per hour to work in a takeaway food shop. Asking if anyone else had experienced similar treatment, she was was overwhelmed by complaints from 67 young workers within days of her original posting.

Andrew ''Twiggy'' Forrest says it is critical for businesses around the world to look for slavery within their operations.

Forrest lashes business for slavery failure

Business leaders including "Twiggy" Forrest and faith groups have joined forces to calling for new legislation to outlaw modern slavery and forced labour which is on the rise.