Showing posts with label Seance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seance. Show all posts

Friday, August 15, 2008

Saltrubbed Eyes

Have you ever pissed off a whole lot of people at once or been jumped into a gang? If so, then you know what it's like to receive a volley of vicious blows about the head and body. If you have never experienced the sensation, may I recommend that you check out Seance's Saltrubbed Eyes. It's ultimately the same thing with less hassle. Seance was Swedish and Death Metal, but this, their second album, shows them ditching the Entombed/Dismember/Grave/Unleashed school of unthought, and creating something way more bare-knuckled, stripped down, and pummeling. Saltrubbed Eyes is a retarded, beserker neanderthal awoken from a deep slumber with a kick in the balls. And as if just kicking your ass wasn't enough they also want to rub salt in your fucking eyes? Fuck.