Showing posts with label Power Violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power Violence. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Little Princess

Cute Japanese girls playing power violence? Yeah, it's easy to understand why in the '90s we all went gushy fanboy shitfinger for this band. They later formed the equally adorable Geri Live.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


This was requested by one of my favorite people in the world, Anthony aka "Chubby," Hickey's original bassist and all around wonderful dude. Crom are oft associated with the Southern California Power Violence scene but this album is so much more than the herky jerky blasting barky PCP-core you might expect. The Cocaine Years is an amazing pastiche of various badass cultural nostalgia, heavy metal zeitgeist, and snarky in jokes. It is a tongue-in-cheek tribute to the grandiosity and pomp of metal, the sort some might find patronizing, but I think it comes from a genuine place of reverence. This record astounded me when I first heard it in 2001 and it is still a fun and funny listen. See if you can figure out all the references this record makes. Thanks, Chubby, for reminding me about this.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

No Comment

Possibly one of the greatest punk bands of the '90s. No Comment often get lumped in with the whole fastcore/power violence thing, but they had much more going on then just speed and ruthless bludgeon. Here's their second 7" EP Downsided from 1992.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Despite an obvious influence by INFEST, Lack of Interest is no copycat band. LOI spin the blunt force of INFEST's delivery into a choppy, angular conclusion. If INFEST were a volley of blows to the head, Lack of Interest are a whirlwind of precise karate chops delivered by a barking rottweiler ripped on cholo PCP and power violence.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Still don't get it, you lousy cocksucking fuckneck? How 'bout I get INFEST to kick the shit out of you for sixteen minutes straight? Go fuck yourself. Oh, and fuck your valentine's day.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Here is a haiku I made up about a band I love.

This fucking planet
This broken caveman death jazz
Man Is The Bastard

Here is their first full length LP from 1991 titled Sum Of The Men "The Brutality Continues"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Thanks to Ossi for finding this gem that has been on my wish list for some time now. Don't know shit about this band except that they appeared on the Noise Against The Machine compilation as well as the RRR 500 compilation of locked grooves This was released as a 7" with 88 songs in 1995. Power Violence, Grind, Noisecore, whatever you want to call it I don't give a fuck, and neither does this little blue record.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Enlightened Interdependence Is The Key

Yeah, I know that every blog even remotely worth reading has done a post about Man Is The Bastard, but probably because they were so fucking great, so on their own trip, and so prolific. And some poor souls out there have never bothered to check them out. So with that in mind, I present the Man Is The Bastard D.I.Y.C.D.. It compiles some material from various out of print splits and EPs. It's a great catch-all release for the fans, and a great introduction for those who have yet to become fans. Of course I could spout on about there unflinching, uncompromising ideology regarding sexism, racism, classism, fascism, capitalism, veganism, animal liberationism, homophobism, multi-national corporationalism, and any other ism you can think of, but I think it's best to let the band yell in your ugly, stupid face for about seventy minutes. That should learn ya'.