Showing newest posts with label Paysage d' Hiver. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label Paysage d' Hiver. Show older posts

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Paysage d' Hiver is one of the best bands in Black Metal today. For years this Swiss entity's demos were among the most coveted releases amongst the kvlt and nekro set, but recently they became more available through a series of beautiful and limited A5 digipack CDs released by Kunsthall Produktionen. So what makes Paysage d' Hiver that much better than the rest of the painted throng of black metal hordes? Well, take a good look at the image above. Sure it looks like a fairly standard scene of a nighttime forest that might adorn any Black Metal record, but notice the depth, notice how it keeps going further and further into the distance. Paysage d' Hiver is alot like this image, their depth, their ability to create landscapes of frigid sound, and their swirling hypnotic layers that are constantly revealing something new upon each listen. Paysage d' Hiver are one of a few active bands that understand what makes Black Metal great, a sense of mystery, coldness, and distance, NOT who is the most "true," Satanic, or kult. I couldn't possibly recommend this enough. Pure magick!