Showing posts with label Moëvöt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moëvöt. Show all posts

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Les Legions Noire Part Six: Moëvöt "Voebr"

Moëvöt is perhaps my favorite LLN project. Ghostly hymns, disjointed spectral voices, and dismal, cobwebbed cantos make Moëvöt's extremely rare tapes seem closer to EVP recordings than the ramblings of a morbid, sullen French teen. Moëvöt was operated solely by Vordb Dreagvor Uezeerb, a leading LLN figure who also was a member of Black Murder, Brenoritvrezorkre, Dzlvarv, Susvourtre, Torgeist, Vzaeurvbtre, Zelda, Dvnaèbkre, Chambre Noir, and Belketre. Voebr was Moëvöt's fourth demo. It was released in 1995.