Showing posts with label MITB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MITB. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Here is a haiku I made up about a band I love.

This fucking planet
This broken caveman death jazz
Man Is The Bastard

Here is their first full length LP from 1991 titled Sum Of The Men "The Brutality Continues"

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Enlightened Interdependence Is The Key

Yeah, I know that every blog even remotely worth reading has done a post about Man Is The Bastard, but probably because they were so fucking great, so on their own trip, and so prolific. And some poor souls out there have never bothered to check them out. So with that in mind, I present the Man Is The Bastard D.I.Y.C.D.. It compiles some material from various out of print splits and EPs. It's a great catch-all release for the fans, and a great introduction for those who have yet to become fans. Of course I could spout on about there unflinching, uncompromising ideology regarding sexism, racism, classism, fascism, capitalism, veganism, animal liberationism, homophobism, multi-national corporationalism, and any other ism you can think of, but I think it's best to let the band yell in your ugly, stupid face for about seventy minutes. That should learn ya'.