Showing posts with label Lycanthropy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lycanthropy. Show all posts

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

I know that every blog on the interwebs probably has some special post for Halloween, and why should the hearse be any different? So in the spirit of this day I present Robbie "The Werewolf" Robison performing live at The Waleback waaaaay back in 1964. I'm not real big on folk music or corny outdated jokes, but when it's delivered by a werewolf I can get behind it a hundred percent. Happy Halloween, friends.

Monday, September 1, 2008

In The Shadow Of Steel

Some Swedish young'uns completely fueled on the metal from before their time. Kind of like if Iron Maiden and Mercyful Fate met in Örebro one dark and gloomy night, and conceived a love child who ended up looking more like the Maiden side of the family. Here is Wolf's self-titled debut from 1999. Since its release the band has gone through many line-up changes and has failed to hold my interest (the second album was great, not so much the next two.) The youthful exuberance and sheer joy that pours out of this album hasn't really been matched even though their skills as song writers and musicians progressed. Not terribly original, and probably nothing that you haven't already heard done a million times before, but originality isn't always your best entertainment value, and sometimes things are cliche simply because they are good.