Showing posts with label Japanese Hardcore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japanese Hardcore. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Vomit Virgins

1988 for this punk record from Japan. They got a lady singing, the band's name means "Vomiting Virgins." Beyond that I know nothing other than this kicks ass.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

4 Tribes

Excellent four-way split of obscure Japanese bands from 1988. まつじ (Matsuji,) 666, Poison Arts, and F.O.A.D. play fast, fuzzy, metal-tinged Japanese Hardcore. All the bands deliver the goods and will sate any fan of the Japanese thrashing punk, but まつじ kind of standout with their occasional vocal forays into Bad Brainsisms. I can't think of a better way to kill fifty minutes than with four devil-driven far-east death tribes.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

War In a Babylon

Here's a rager of a Japanoise Hardcore EP from 1995. I don't know fuck all about this band. Blah blah, harsh, blah blah, feedback, violence...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Atrocity Exhibition

Atrocity Exhibition was the first release from CFDL, which, of course, stands for Crazy Fucked (up) Daily Life. Clearly influenced by the old Japanoise gods, Confuse, CFDL inject more Discharge-isms and the break neck speed of power violence into this brief statement. That dog on the cover is CFDL, that thoroughly annoyed hippie is you.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No Side

One of the better known and more sought after Japanese hardcore records, The Comes No Side is an enjoyable little rager of estrogenocidal fury from Tokyo. The Comes were one of the earliest bands playing hardcore in Japan and perhaps stood out due to the fact they were fronted by a fabulous babe. People will write off their second effort, Power Never Die, but they can swing from my nuts, it's a great record as well. Members of The Comes went on to form the raging Lip Cream.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dead Person

Another ripping Japanese hardcore flexi. You know the drill: fuzzy guitars, speed, angry vocals, guitar solos, and strange titles like "No Mercy Surviving." Dead Person hailed from the bullshit town of Sendai, and this fucked up EP was their only statement. Also, the cover has three skulls and a skateboard on it, not sure how you could pass this by based on that alone.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dinner Time

Here's another great Swankys album with a cover that will probably get a warning put on this blog.If you have been paying attention you know that The Swankys were the more straight 77 style punk alter ego of Japanoise Hardcore gods, GAI.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

So What?

The furious Japanese punkers of So What had huge hair and spikey leathers, much like the skeleton demon with awesome abs portrayed on the cover of their second of two great ep's, Blood Wash the Dead City You can probably imagine what this is going to sound like, gruff vocals, fuzzy guitars...blah blah blah.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Motherfuck Future!!!

あらゆる理解できないに関しては行く発見されたHip Hop日本のnoisecore GAIの伝説はろばのBeastieのスマートな男の子の行った。 スペース侵略者は生まれた、複数の極度な衝突の喜びのEngrish音の記録解放されて。 私はここに第1いることを公正のに、驚く信じる何かタイトルを得ることができる99%の小便はある。

Monday, November 8, 2010


Inga is a currently active Japanese hardcore unit that have expanded on the original orthodox sound of G.I.S.M., much like Hearse alum, CTR. Frantically fuzzy and all fun. Inga rules.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's a Trap!!!

Here's Japanese hardcore record that doesn't get much attention, Client's 1988 Trap ep. Client give you all the trappings of ripping far eastern fastcore violence in these six songs; gruff vocals, metal tendencies, weird guitar solos, and breakneck speeds. Not as compelling as G.I.S.M. or Zouo but still worth a listen.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jast Last

Jast Last was the second and better EP of Japanese hardcore gods LSD. The band bears some of the trappings of the genre and locale: harsh vocals, flirtations with metal, and fuzzed out guitars, but something about LSD is a bit more subdued than Confuse, GISM, or Gai. They aren't particularly fast, and the intro to "Karen Nash" could actually be deemed pretty. This diversity and bravado make Jast Last a thoroughly satisfying listen, even over the course of a mere ten minutes. Essential Japanoise Punk.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Confuse 1983 Demo

Therefore when you note, fuckface, now you understand the outer space Hearse' love Confuse. Noise central attack of sexual nucleus spazz seems like the thing which has the hydrochloric acid methamphetamine of Japanese porno directly poured to your dickhole. Youth rebellion of the jacket and hair where the tip of Kyushu becomes pointed spike. As for the corrosive demonstration cassette from 1983... there is here... It ended your world!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Liberty or Death

Here is a fantastic lo-fi tape compilation of Japanese Hardcore bands that were previously unknown to me. The tape is called Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death (not very Japanese, eh?) and the bands are Baroudeur, Saru, Zverg, and Deformed-C. Baroudeur and Deformed-C sound exemplary of what we have come to expect from Japanese Hardcore with their wild soloing and gruff vocals. Saru and Zverg sound like they could have been from anywhere. I think I like Deformed-C best.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


This record, Demon Priest, by a band called Syudan Jisatsu (Mass suicide,) was released in 1991 and has been the source of much conjecture amongst the collector set. First it was rumored that Sakevi of GISM sings on this (it does sound like him,) then it was said that this was a very thorough tribute to classic Japanese hardcore performed by a bunch of anonymous Finns. I don't know any more about this than anyone else. I do know that it kicks ass.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


You might think the "yellow" in this record's title refers to Power of Idea's origins in Japan, but the fact is that it is yellow as in a fucking sentient evil fucking bulldozer knocking you into the dirt and ripping your fucking tits off. Don't come to me weeping and titless, you have been warned, asshole.

Monday, February 1, 2010


You'd be hard pressed to find a cooler looking band than Azarashi. I am also quite fond of their angular, spastic, ADD post-punk visual kei yakuza glam thrash. I think this band is somehow related to the seminal Japanese Punk band, The Stalin. I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

No Rules

The Dead Ups are an all-girl punk band from Japan. At the risk of coming off patronizing, I must say this is one of the cutest punk records ever made. Get it and see for yourself, buddy.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fucking Yaeneura '84

Get your hair fucking charged up, put on your 75 lb. leather jacket and set the fucking controls for Tokyo, Japan 1984, we're checking out fucking Zouo tonight live and in concert. All the punks want to spend loud night, and Zouo, as far as I am concerned, is second only to GISM in the fucking Japanese Hardcore pantheon. Satanic Acid Punk Metal weirdness from the biggest fucking hair guys on the fucking island. You fucking coming or what?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Clay

粘土は東京からの第2層日本の本格的なバンドだった。 それらはこの1番の大きいEPの"しか解放しなかった実際に; 中東戦闘Area" かなりまっすぐ前に、ちょっと実行のように。そこにである彼ら自身をモールの金属と混合されるキャンデーによって塗られる精液はちょうどより遅いGastunkから持ち上がること私がすべてを誓うので幾分異様であるGlayと呼ぶそれらのばかばかしい視覚男の子バンドの1時今ようであろう。 まだそれはパンティーでそれは悪い事いかにである場合もあるか船員にそうぬれたNO一定をうろつかせるか。