Showing posts with label Invisible Scratch Pickles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Invisible Scratch Pickles. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Demolition Pumpkin Squeeze

Around 1994 I was at a party here in San Francisco. The kind there were before the dot com boom. You know, one of those where a couple of hundred assholes were crammed into a Victorian. There would be a keg in the kitchen, chicks doing blow in the bathroom, some shitty band playing in the living room. Anyways, I was at this party and I was chatting with some guy about music and whatever kind of drunken small talk you have at parties and he reaches into his backpack and hands me this tape with the cryptic words "Demolition Pumpkin Squeeze" scrawled on the label. That tape sat in my bag for a week or so before I decided to check it out. When I did, I was floored. Well someone had the good sense to press this to CD (no label information is given). And now I am that guy at the party handing you that tape, only now the tape is a batch of shrunken digital files, and the party is the interweb.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Invisible Scratch Pickles

I don't know a whole lot about the world of underground turntablism and DJ culture, but I do know that I am totally in awe of the Bay Area collective of DJs calling themselves The Invisible Scratch Pickles, especially DJ Q-Bert. The guy is like the Gene Hoglan of turntables. And how fucking enticing are the covers of these two rare Japanese import cds? An obvious nod to Discharge and reminiscent of the Japanese hardcore aesthetic. Be warned, this is serious scratching, with little variation in the breaks. These aren't some cutesy, ironic mash-up party jams, this is deep, these are some of the best turntable wizards in the field doing fucking battle, like Saruman and Gandalf at Isengard. Definitely not for the casual rubbernecking gawker. Respect!