Showing posts with label Ildjarn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ildjarn. Show all posts

Monday, February 14, 2011

Strength and Anger

How about this to fuck up your Valentine's Day? Ildjarn is perhaps the most influential figure in the world of harsh, raw Black Metal, and Strength and Anger is his most caustic and memorable work. This unrelenting piece of filth was Ildjarn's third album and was released in 1996. Not for the casual listeners, dilett,antes, hobbyists, gawkers, or day people, this is pure undistilled venom from the blackest recesses of the forests of Black Metal.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Only Ildjarn Is Real

Where are my manners? Many times on this blog I have professed my love for the raw and minimal side of Black Metal, but yet I never posted anything by the originator of such harsh, ear-scraping necrohell, the influential Ildjarn. Well that changes now. Ildjarn is not a band, but rather the alter-ego of Vidar Vaaer, former Thou Shalt Suffer/Emperor member. Ildjarn's discography is massive and somewhat confusing, so let's just start with this, the first full length simply titled Ildjarn.