Friday, October 19, 2012

LOAD Discography

The internet is a buzz with the sad news of Bob Johnston's death. Sucks it would take this horrible occasion to light a fire under my ass to get you the complete works of the band I have often touted as the best thing to come from Miami since 2 Live Crew. Supersonic, motherfucker.


Silky Bravado said...

This is bitter sweet. Vhol killed it in the bullshit town of P. I hope you enjoyed the post set smoke. Thanks for the endless stream of quality.

William Wheelright said...

Nice, a discography for all.

irlycurfew said...

What are the "Faceless" tracks from?? It seems a few are from the "Six Pack to Go" & "South FL Slammie Awards" comps, but I can't figure out the others..

GRK. said...

Only just seen this post. Sorry he's gone.

Korla said...

Hello? Anybody home?

solidturd said...

Will you repost this?
it's not avialable for download... i'd really love to hear this.

solidturd said...

Not sure if my first comment went through.. but would you repost the album? i would really love to have this.
I grew up in Ga ... Load were Flordia punk legends...

Vill helm said...

Everything on this blog is gone. That's mediafire for you!

Uncle Dirt said...

yo' how about an Xmas visit Hearse?