EPIC Congressional Testimony and Statements

EPIC frequently testifies in Congress concerning emerging privacy and civil liberties topics.

Hearing on "Nomination of Wilbur Ross to serve as Commerce Secretary"
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | consumer privacy

Nomination hearing for Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations | International Privacy

Nomination hearing for Rep. Mike Pompeo as CIA Director
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence | Surveillance

Nomination hearing for Elaine Chao: Drones and Connected Vehicles
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Surveillance

Appointment of Thomas P. Bossert for White House Homeland Security Advisor
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs | National Security

Nomination hearing for Jeff Sessions
Senate Committee on the Judiciary | Surveillance

Foreign Cyber Threats to the United States
Senate Armed Services | Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity: Ensuring the Integrity of the Ballot Box
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform | Cybersecurity

Oversight of the Federal Trade Commission
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Consumer Protection

Modernizing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Telephone Records

FCC Overreach: Examining the Proposed Privacy Rules
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Consumer Protection

Examining the Proposed FCC Privacy Rules
Senate Committee on the Judiciary | Consumer Protection

Judicial Redress Act of 2015
Senate Committee on the Judiciary | International Privacy

The Internet of Cars
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform | Internet of Things

Examining the EU Safe Harbor Decision and Impacts for Transatlantic Data Flows
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | International Privacy

The FISA Amendments Act of 2008
House Committee on the Judiciary | FISA

The Video Privacy Protection Act: Protecting Viewer Privacy in the 21st Century
Senate Committee on the Judiciary | Video Privacy Protection Act

Cybersecurity and Data Protection in the Financial Sector
House Committee on Financial Services | Cybersecurity

H.R. 1981, the Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act of 2011
House Committee on the Judiciary | Children's Privacy

Cybersecurity and Data Protection in the Financial Sector
Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | Financial Privacy

TSA Oversight Part 1: Whole Body Imaging
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform | Air Travel Privacy

Online Privacy, Social Networking, and Crime Victimization
House Committee on the Judiciary | Internet Privacy

Planning for the Future of Cyber Attack Attribution
House Committee on Science and Technology | Cybersecurity

Smart Grid
House Committee on Science and Technology | Smart Grid

An Examination of Children's Privacy: New Technologies and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Children's Privacy

An Assessment of Checkpoint Security: Are Our Airports Keeping Passengers Safe?
House Committee on Homeland Security | Air Travel Privacy

Communications Networks and Consumer Privacy: Recent Developments
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Internet Privacy

H.R. 2221, the Data Accountability and Trust Act and H.R. 1319, the Informed P2P User Act
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Consumer Protection

Ensuring America's Security: Cleaning Up the Nation's Watchlists
House Committee on Homeland Security | Air Travel Privacy

ICANN and the WHOIS Database: Providing Access to Protect Consumers from Phishing
House Committee on Financial Services | Consumer Protection

Passport Files: Privacy Protection Needed For All Americans
Senate Committee on the Judiciary | Passport Privacy

Identity Theft: A Victim's Bill of Rights
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform | Consumer Protection

Impact and Policy Implications of Spyware on Consumers and Businesses
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Consumer Protection

The Truth in Caller ID Act of 2007, S. 704
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Consumer Protection

Employment Eligibility Verification Systems (EEVS)
House Committee on Ways and Means | Social Security Numbers

Combating Pretexting: H.R. 936, Prevention of Fraudulent Access to Phone Records Act
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Telephone Records

Truth in Caller ID Act of 2007
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Consumer Protection

Truth in Caller ID Act of 2006
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Consumer Protection

Social Security Number High-Risk Issues
House Committee on Ways and Means | Social Security Numbers

Protecting Consumers' Phone Records
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Telephone Records

Phone Records for Sale: Why Aren't Phone Records Safe From Pretexting?
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Telephone Records

The Future of Registered Traveler
House Committee on Homeland Security | Air Travel Privacy

Voter Verification in the Federal Elections Process
Senate Committee on Rules | Voter Privacy

The Illegal Immigration Enforcement and Social Security Protection Act of 2005
House Committee on the Judiciary | Social Security Numbers

Identity Theft and Data Broker Services
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Consumer Protection

Protecting Consumer's Data: Policy Issues Raised by Choicepoint
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Consumer Protection

Protecting the Privacy of Consumers' Social Security Numbers
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Social Security Numbers

The Wireless 411 Privacy Act
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Telephone Records

Enhancing Social Security Number Privacy
House Committee on Ways and Means | Social Security Numbers

The Status of the Computer-Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (CAPPS II)
House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure | Air Travel Privacy

International Consumer Protection Act of 2003
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Consumer Protection

H.R. 2622, The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003
House Committee on Financial Services | Financial Privacy

Consumer Fraud, the International Consumer Protection Enforcement Act of 2003, and FTC Reauthorization
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Consumer Protection

Use and Misuse of the Social Security Number
House Committee on Ways and Means | Social Security Numbers

Spam (Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail)
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Email Privacy

Consumer Privacy Protection Act of 2002 (HR 4678)
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Consumer Protection

Identity Theft Involving Elderly Victims
Senate Special Committee on Aging | Seniors

S. 2201 Online Personal Privacy Act
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Internet Privacy

Securing Our Infrastructure: Private/Public Information Sharing
Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs | National Security

SSNs and Identity Theft
House Committee on Ways and Means | Social Security Numbers

Internet Privacy
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Internet Privacy

Use and Misuse of the Social Security Number
House Committee on Ways and Means | Social Security Numbers

The Social Security Number and Threats to Privacy
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Social Security Numbers

Privacy in the Commercial World
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Consumer Protection

Recent Developments in Privacy Protections for Consumers
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Consumer Protection

H.R. 4246, the Cyber Security Information Act
House Committee on Government Reform | Cybersecurity

On Internet Privacy and Profiling
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Internet Privacy

Use and Misuse of the Social Security Number
House Committee on Ways and Means | Social Security Numbers

CyberAttack: The National Protection Plan and its Privacy Implications
Senate Committee on the Judiciary | Cybersecurity

The Online Privacy Protection Act of 1999
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Internet Privacy

Oversight Electronic Communications Privacy Policy Disclosures
House Committee on the Judiciary | Internet Privacy

H.R. 2281. The WIPO Copyright Treaties Implementation Act and Privacy Issues
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Consumer Protection

The European Union Data Directive and Privacy
House Committee on International Relations | International Privacy

Communications Privacy
House Committee on the Judiciary | Internet Privacy

Social Security Administration and the PEBES Program
House Committee on Ways and Means | Social Security Numbers

Security and Freedom Through Encryption Act (SAFE) H.R. 695
House Committee on the Judiciary | Cybersecurity

Children's Privacy Protection and Parental Empowerment Act, H.R. 3508
House Committee on the Judiciary | Children's Privacy

Cypto Legislation
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Cybersecurity

The Privacy for Consumers and Workers Act
House Committee on Education and Labor | Consumer Protection

Encryption Technology and Policy
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Cybersecurity

Encryption Technology and Policy
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Cybersecurity

Privacy Protection for Social Security Numbers and Records
Senate Committee on Finance | Social Security Numbers

The Privacy for Consumers and Workers Act
House Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs | Consumer Protection

Telemarketing/Privacy Issues
House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Telephone Records

Use of Social Security Number as a National Identifier
House Committee on Ways and Means | Social Security Numbers

The Computer Abuse Amendments Act of 1990
Senate Committee on the Judiciary

Data Protection, Computers, and Changing Information Practices
House Committee on Government Operations | Consumer Protection

The Government Printing Office Improvement Act of 1990
House Committee on House Administration

Computer Virus Legislation
House Committee on the Judiciary

FBI Oversight and Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 1990
House Committee on the Judiciary