Yaskawa Electric poised for growth as world embraces automation

A "Motoman" dual arm robot by Yaskawa Electric, which has evolved into a robotics powerhouse over the past four decades ...
A "Motoman" dual arm robot by Yaskawa Electric, which has evolved into a robotics powerhouse over the past four decades and is one of the "big four" robotics companies (the others are Fanuc, ABB and Kuka). Christian Charisius / Reuters
by Greg Smith

Japan-listed Yaskawa Electric is a leader in industrial automation and robotics, and is expanding its system engineering business.

We believe the company's mix of high-quality products and deep expertise accumulated over many years will see it enjoy robust growth in the decade ahead, particularly as the world embraces automation and robot usage expands across various industries.

Yaskawa has evolved into a robotics powerhouse over the past four decades and is one of the "big four" robotics companies (the others are Fanuc, ABB and Kuka).

Benefits of automation include cost savings (especially as labour costs rise), faster speeds, quality stability, safety (ie, reducing human exposure to high-risk work) and making things that cannot be processed manually – which is an increasing range of products.

Demand for various types of robots is anticipated to grow at double-digit pace by some forecasters.

Yaskawa is a pioneer in "mechatronics" (a phrase it has trademarked), which is essentially creating industrial robots by merging mechanisms and electronics. The company plans to leverage its expertise further in the areas of clean power and "humatronics", or what it describes as "a marriage of electronics with the human body".

Yaskawa's footprint at home includes two R&D; sites, four production bases and 223 brand and sales offices. Internationally, the company has business bases in 29 countries and production bases in 10 countries. Sales last financial year (ending March 2016) were over ¥400 billion ($4.92 billion) with about 70 per cent from outside Japan.

Yaskawa established its robotics segment in the 1970s, developing Japan's first "electrically-driven industrial robot" in 1974. Since then the company has differentiated its product line by focusing on electric arc welding, whereas rivals focused mainly on hydraulically-driven "bots".

Yaskawa's "Motoman" product line can be considered as part of the backbone of much of the modern auto manufacturing industry, covering welding, painting, assembly, and conveyance functions.

Robotics is one of Yaskawa's fastest-growing businesses. Sales have a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.1 per cent This unit has become increasingly important to Yaskawa, with its contribution rising from 25.4 per cent of sales in the 2011 financial year to about 37 per cent in 2015.

The industrial robots Yaskawa makes are also used in other fields including the food products, biomedical and technology sectors.

For the first six months of the current fiscal year, revenues declined 9.8 per cent to ¥187.64 billion, in large part due to the strengthening of the yen. Overseas sales declined ¥20.1 billion, or 13.9 per cent, to ¥125.2 billion. Japanese sales were effectively flat with the prior year at ¥62.5 billion.

Operating income thus fell 27.2 per cent year on year to ¥13.82 billion, with negative foreign exchange impacts of about ¥5.2 billion. However, with our expectation that the yen will weaken as the Bank of Japan ups the ante in terms of printing money, we could see foreign exchange headwinds turn to tailwinds.

Valuation-wise. Yaskawa trades on about 25 times earnings estimates for the year ending March 2017, and 21 times the following year. The company's enterprise value divided by earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortisation (EV/EBITDA) multiples over the same timeframe are 11 and 10 times respectively.

These multiples are palatable given the company's strong competitive position in an area with attractive long-term growth prospects.

It also worth noting that M&A; activity has been heating up in the sector, and at much higher valuations. A deal this year saw Midea take over Kuka for a forward EV/EBITDA multiple of 17.5 times.

Greg Smith is head of research at investment research and funds management house Fat Prophets. For a free trial to Fat Prophets' daily market commentary please click here.