Premier Investments: time to buy back in?

it is the new store roll-out of Smiggles and Peter Alexander which have caught the attention of investors.
it is the new store roll-out of Smiggles and Peter Alexander which have caught the attention of investors. Estelle Judah
by Michael Gable

Although many Premier Investments fashion brands are mature, it is the new store roll-out of Smiggles and Peter Alexander which have caught the attention of investors and are driving the earnings higher.

When Solomon Lew hired Mark McInnes four years ago, the share price was under $7. Earlier this year it peaked at over $17. The stock has since fallen and is now trading under $14, so is this an opportunity to buy into Premier Investments?

The challenge is the mature brands (such as Just Jeans, Portmans, and Dotti) which on average are experiencing low single-digit sales growth.

The main opportunity, though, is in Smiggles which is expanding in the UK. Sales revenue increased last year by more than 40 per cent. Taking away new store roll-outs, we estimate that like-for-like sales are over 10 per cent.

With Peter Alexander, we saw sales increase by over 20 per cent in the last year and like-for-like sales are estimated at 8 per cent. The company is trading on a forward P/E of under 19x, which is cheap if consensus targets are met.

We got our clients out in March this year when the shares were too expensive, but now the chart is telling us it is time to buy back in. When it spiked up in March, the stock became very overbought on our momentum indicators and it was at risk of falling.

The rally in March saw the stock gain over $4 in about a month to hit its yearly high. It has since given up those gains but what is interesting is that it's taken about eight months to drop to pre-rally levels. If a stock needs eight months to overcome a one-month rally, this means there is a lack of selling pressure. That is, we are seeing quick moves up, but slow moves back down.

We have also seen the stock pull back in three waves to find support on the uptrend line. With a couple of large brokers recently upgrading their recommendations on Premier Investments, this tells us that we have good support here and we can feel comfortable in buying the stock in anticipation of a rally.

Michael Gable is managing director of Fairmont Equities. The information in this article is general advice only.

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