18 tips to make a busy mum's life easier

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Busy - it is often first word that comes to mind when a mum is asked how she is feeling.

But there are things that can help ease the exhaustion that comes with new parenthood and fellow mums are usually the ones with the best tips and hints.  

With that in mind we asked our Facebook fans for advice on getting organised and making life easier for everyone.  

Below are some of the top responses which can no doubt help all of us from time to time.

• "It's OK to cheat. It's ok to use the dryer. It's OK to have some dodgy meals. It's OK not to iron. It can take a bit to get the hang of it - and shortcuts are OK for now, or as long as you need them."

• "I found the idea of getting a five-draw storage container to put the kids clothes for each day of the week a brilliant idea. No more early morning search for matching socks etc! I also find trying to pair activities together can help - when I make dinner I also try to unload/load the dishwasher."

• "I would suggest that its all about planning. Make washing the sheets something to do one day, do a cook-up on another day, do a household chore list another day - vacuum and mop."

• "Learn not to 'sweat the small stuff" ... life is too short. After raising 4 children and being OCD about everything I learned to 'let it go' if it wasn't a major issue."

• "I do a massive cook-up once a month for all the kids meals, then freeze."

• "Do easy meals. I used to knock up chef quality meals and it's now somewhat liberating to open a can of spaghetti onto toast and call it a meal."

• "Online grocery shopping! Helps to plan out meals for the week and stick to a budget, also means you get to spend more time doing something you love with your family."

• "I totally understand the baby wipes obsession now ... they get used for everything."

• "Cook extra when you have the energy to make something delicious, and freeze. When you don't have energy to cook for yourself you have it already there." 

• "Write down all the tasks you want to achieve in the week, and divide it by the days you have free." 

• "Get a slow cooker. Helps when you can't check the food the whole time - I use mine almost every day." 

• "When it comes to cleaning the kids' room I got a small kiddies pool and all the toys go inside. Better then putting them away 100 times a day!"

• "Try to get some sleep and/or some fresh air. It can make all the difference when you're overwhelmed." 

• "Ask your mum to do a load of washing, or ask if a friend can take the kids to the park for an hour. It astounds me what I can get done around the house in a quite hour without them!"

• "One thing is to print a weekly planner and spread chores over the week. Try to not do everything in one day." 

• "Hang clothes on hangers straight out of washing machine. The wrinkles fall out so no ironing!"

• "Don't forget that your partner can help too. And if you need something, ask - they're not a mindreader!"

• "Learn to say NO. Don't try and do everything, you are not superwoman. The world will not stop turning if you don't hoover, dust, tidy everything away." 

Brought to you by Heinz.