Stop the repression of South Korean trade unionists

On 14 November 2015, about 100,000 people, most of them trade unionists, took to the streets of Seoul in response to a call by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) for a national day of protest (N14). The main focus of the protest was opposition to proposed labour “reforms” by the Park Geun-hye government, [...]

Ankara bomb attacks: Blood on Erdoğan’s hands

Over a hundred are dead and scores more seriously injured after a bomb attack on a peace rally in the Turkish capital, Ankara. We offer our condolences to the family, friends and comrades of those killed, and we stand in solidarity with all those demanding justice.
The rally, called by trade unions, was unarmed and peaceful. [...]


1. Europe is facing what has been called its “greatest refugee crisis since the Second World War”. Global levels of displacement due to war and persecution have reached horrific proportions. Some 13.9 million were displaced in 2014 alone. The numbers entering Europe in July were three times higher than a year earlier.
The largest source of [...]

Syria, Iraq and the movement of refugees

21 September 2015
A research paper by Christine Buchholz (Die Linke member of parliament) and Frank Renken
Translated by Ben Windsor
In recent days three related questions have been sharply posed. Die Linke must find answers to them:
i) The principal cause of the mass exodus of refugees to Europe is the war in Syria and Iraq. How [...]

Solidarity with Cizre, freedom for the Kurdish people!

The Turkish government’s decision to re-start the war against the Kurdish people this summer has led to clashes between the army and the PKK, with dozens of soldiers, police officers and Kurdish fighters dead.
This has, as usual, been accompanied by a wave of racist demonstrations organised by the fascists all around Turkey and massive state [...]

Comunicado de la Corriente Socialista Internacional sobre la crisis de refugiados!

1. Europa está encarando la que ha sido llamada su «mayor crisis de refugiados desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial». Los niveles globales de desplazamientos debido a la guerra y la persecución han alcanzado proporciones espeluznantes. Alrededor de 13,9 millones de refugiados fueron desplazados sólo en 2014. La cantidad de personas que entraron en Europa en [...]


1. L’Europe est confrontée par ce qu’on a appelé « la plus grande crise de réfugiés depuis la deuxième guerre mondiale ». Le niveau mondial de déplacement de personnes dû aux guerres et aux persécutions a pris des proportions horribles. 13,9 millions de personnes ont été déplacées en 2014. Le nombre de personnes qui sont [...]

Verklaring van de IST over de Europese vluchtelingencrisis

De coördinatiegroep van de International Socialist Tendency, waarbij de Internationale Socialisten zijn aangesloten, heeft de volgende verklaring over de vluchtelingencrisis gepubliceerd.
1. Europa wordt geconfronteerd met wat de ‘grootste vluchtelingencrisis sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog’ is genoemd. Wereldwijde aantallen migranten als gevolg van oorlog en vervolging hebben gruwelijke proporties bereikt. Ongeveer 13,9 miljoen mensen werden verdreven, alleen [...]

No to AKP-US intervention, victory to the Syrian revolution!

Joining the imperialist coalition against ISIS, the Turkish state has begun to bomb Syria following its compromise with the US to open up the Incirlik airbase in return for bombing the PKK in Kandil.
As part of this agreement of joint action between the Ak Party and the US, by giving air support to some groups [...]

Διακήρυξη της Διεθνιστικής Σοσιαλιστικής Τάσης για τους πρόσφυγες

1. Η Ευρώπη βρίσκεται αντιμέτωπη με αυτό που ονομάστηκε “η μεγαλύτερη προσφυγική κρίση από τον Β’ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο”. Οι εκτοπίσεις, λόγω πολέμου και διώξεων, έχουν φτάσει παγκόσμια σε φρικιαστικές διαστάσεις. Μόνο μέσα στο 2014 περίπου 13.9 εκατομμύρια άνθρωποι εκδιώχθηκαν από τα σπίτια τους. Ο αριθμός των προσφύγων που εισήλθαν στην Ευρώπη τον φετινό Ιούλη ήταν [...]

Enternasyonal sosyalistlerden mülteci krizi üzerine açıklama

1) Avrupa, “İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonraki en büyük mülteci krizi” ile karşı karşıya. Küresel çapta, savaş ve zulüm sebebiyle yerinden yurdundan olma hâli dehşet verici seviyelere ulaştı. Tek başına 2014’te 13.9 milyon insan yer değiştirmek zorunda kaldı. Temmuz’da Avrupa’ya giriş yapanların sayısı bir yıl öncesine göre üç kat arttı.
Suriye, Avrupa’ya çaresiz yolculuğu yapan mültecilerin en [...]