
Last remaining housing occupation in Bologna has been evicted

The eviction of the last remaining housing occupation in Bologna - around 100 people, 34 of them children, living in a building in Via Mario De Maria, in the working-class neighborhood of Bolognina - started at dawn on October 11. The police and the carabinieri surrounded the block and raided the building, beating people and even using pepper spray, the residents say.

Tenant power: Portland Solidarity Network takes demands to a landlord

As Portland becomes more and more impossible for renters, the Portland Solidarity Network and Portland Tenants United are marching on a landlord to support tenant power.

Fight For The City: Part One- Social Cleansing, Social Warfare

First part of a three part series on what is happening to cuities under capitalism

Inside the growing tenants movement that is fighting mass displacement

Gentrification, rent hikes, and no-cause evictions are creating mass displacement in urban areas around the country. In Portland, Oregon, Brooklyn, San Francisco, and other cities, tenants are building a movement to use solidarity and collective action to fight back.

Crisis of family and friends: Working class experiences from west London

In warehouses, factories and other low-paid workplaces in west London we’ve had various conversations with fellow workers about how they live. We've also had experiences at home, where we flat-share with other workers from different countries. Facing the breakdown of the family and various forms of personal crisis we thought of writing an article about it for our paper, WorkersWildWest. Please feel free to criticise and contribute!

Portland stands up against housing discrimination and retaliation

Portland Tenants United leads a rally and march to confront rising retaliation and discrimination against tenants, which they say will only be solved by creating tenant power through direct action.

#EvictionFree2016: against retaliation, against discrimination

As Portland slips into a declared "renter state of emergency," tenants are being pushed out of the city as rents skyrocket and greedy landlords strip renters of their stability and voice. Now, Portland Tenants United, the newest tenants union in Portland, is launching a citywide campaign with a rally and march geared to take the tenant rights movement to the next level.

Poor fetishes, poor critiques: gentrification as violence - Gloria Dawson

F*ck parade anti-gentrification demonstration, East London, 2015

Hating on hipsters is not the answer to gentrification. If we want to reclaim our cities, we should organize for genuinely affordable housing in common, argues Gloria Dawson.

The decimation of the English working class

The Decimation of the English Working Class

A history of working class housing and some bleak speculations about a future that is coming unless we can change its course.

The squatters of 1946 - Paul Burnham

Aircraft workers demonstrate their support for London squatters, September 19

A short history of the mass squatting movement in the UK, primarily organised by soldiers returning from World War II.