Showing posts with label Contropotere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contropotere. Show all posts

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Contropotere "Il Seme Della Devianza"

Here by request. The second LP by Contropotere and second Skuld release.
As on every one of their releases Contropotere explore different approach to hardcore. Here you get more experimental (industrial?) music with inevitable hardcore bursts.
Not for the speedfreaks.

Released: 1991
Label: Skuld Releases
Size: 93 MB

See/Hide tracklist

01. La Chiave Del Tempo
02. Templum Desertii
03. Clonazione
04. Baghdad (La Morte In Diretta)
05. Uragan
06. U.S.P. (Uniformita' Sociale Precostituita)


Monday, January 28, 2008

Contropotere "Solo Selvaggi"

I don't know any person that doesn't like this record. This little slab of wax still gives me the jitters each time it starts.
Anyway, this is fifth release of the mighty Skuld Releases and this Italian bunch of squatters provide four tracks of amazing tribal hardcore punk with best female punk singer ever. Period.
For more info go to their MySpace page.

Released: 1992
Label: Skuld Releases
Size: 25 MB

01. Quello Che Hai
02. Zona Luce
03. Naufraga
04. Briganti
