Friday, November 4, 2016

Sinaloa: Missing American found Dead in Mazatlán

Guest Reporter Javier G.
See update on next page
Ten years he lived a good life in Mazatlán, Sinaloa.  Then on the night 25th of October  he disappeared. 

O’Neil Patrick McGean, an expatriate, an Arizona transplant, told friends he was meeting someone Tuesday night at around 8:30, which was the last time anyone had heard directly from the man.

Relatives said that Patrick told them earlier on Tuesday, that he had plans to attend a  party at the Hotel Punta Pacifico.

He was not seen or heard from again until last night, when police discovered his dead body found inside a house in the city.  Two men were inside the house with McGean’s body and they have been taken into custody.  Some reports indicate the house was an abandoned home.

McGean was spotted at a party at a Cerritos Hotel, and later his vehicle was discovered at a Sabalo Mazatlán Hotel. 

McGean owned a restaurant/Cafe “Café Playa Sur”, in Mazatlán, and warranted or not, had the reputation of being “wealthy”.  With the known facts in mind, it could be possible that he was trapped into what was a kidnap for extortion called “express kidnapping”.  His bank cards were used at various banks in the city. 

Authorities were quick to point out McGean was not known to be involved in criminal activities or drugs.

The openly gay McGean, was well liked, and socially active in the city, frequenting both gay and ex-pat social meeting places. 

He carved out a very comfortable life in the Sinaloa city, and made news after a school was vandalized destroying several thousand dollars in materials.  McGean spearheaded a drive to successfully raise funds to replace the destroyed items.
McGean's cafe remodel

Readers:  O’Neil’s oldest brother Donnie contacted me, and in his email he wrote a couple of corrections to the story:

Neil never went to Punta Pacifico.  His car never even made it, as the video cameras show.  As for him being "wealthy", he was far from that as any business owner will tell you whose business has been shuttered for months due to renovation of the building by the building owner.  Someone may have thought he was wealthy but they were mistaken.


  1. Doesn't say how he died...bullet in the head? Acid reflux?

    1. Ya know thats rude as fuck

    2. You're a pice ofshit,, this man was actually putting a positive influence to others in Mexico,, and what does a cabrito like u do,, try a lame attempt at being funny,,, pinche pendejo

    3. Incredible that someone could be so flippant at this horrible time~

    4. It appears You 1149, 627, and 716 have no care of how he died. You really sense the man for who he was to You...the same as every one else You know not as a individual You know. Obviously he was used for his positive influence

    5. delicado13
      Well said,some of these people always try and be a smart arse,its not funny in any way.There are many people posting who knew him personally,and all say he was a good guy..

    6. 9.02
      Give it a miss,ye not funny,just sad..

    7. 9:02 You are an idiot. Just stating the obvious

  2. Whoever whether the killers or not kept the body...waiting for reward to post for collection. Actually rather smart even if stumbling upon the body may have been smarter

  3. When chapo guzman was out none of this happen but the goverment fuck up in lock him up now sinaloa is gone become a crime zone free chapo

    1. If the Cops did their jobs there would be no need for Chapos in Sinaloa to begin with. That and if people acted with morals and respect! Guess it has always been too much to ask though!

    2. Shut up.. Chapo is the reason Mexico is so fucked up in the first place. If he wasn't so damn greedy, all the cartels would be working their own plazas.

    3. If you have not noticed cops don't do their jobs in the western world either. Organized crime thrives wherever you go around the world. The proof is in the pudding, the passed few decades, every US President has come from organized crime. You insult Mexico like it's the only place that has thugs, USA can get bad too, it depends where you go. And it's not their fault. The rich have created the monster in every country. Chapo did more for Sinaloa than any President ever did for the average man in the US.

    4. @813. Tell me what it is that chapo did for people in sinaloa? His hometown Badiraguato is the poorest in sinaloa.

    5. El chapo took one poor people's place and made himself a billionaire and made other guys jealous, but, la chapa did not start it, the mexican government got involved and the CIA in mexico was oh, so happy, they had something to show their bosses in washington, narcos instead of comunistas, with money to burn, la Chapa did not make himself rich from stealing fron the public coffers, and that is quite an accomplishment

  4. A whole lot of ex-pats live all over Mexico. Thousands of them and happily, I might add. This is quite a rarity. It doesn't happen that often. Mexico is awesome and beautiful, even with all the drugs and gangs. I have never been but I will someday. I'm thinking Guadalajara!

    1. It's not as bad as the media makes it out to be .... most likely this guy was targeted by some random nobodies who thought they could get some quick cash .... it's gunna go bad for those guys when they get put in a prison because they heated up the Plaza

    2. 9:22. Guadalajara? On one side the coin, You may feel at home with Comcast there, although Comcast is not available for people yet. On the other side coin, people know where You live

    3. Tell that to his family

    4. I have Canadian friends who live in PV 4 months a year, they say the same things about Mexico that you're saying: it's a great country, the people are lovely, overall it's safe. Two of those things are completely true. However much the state and tourism industries may want the world to believe everything is fine, the truth is that for an overwhelming number of Mexicans, Mexico is not a safe place. Rather, it is a country at war with itself, at war with the corrosive influence of money and power over every facet of life. Mexico is not a functioning democracy. There's something I would find Very uncomfortable about visiting Mexico as a tourist, or owning a vacation home there, knowing that the artificially constructed sense of safety and normalcy afforded to gringos doesn't apply to Mexican citizens. It isn't fair, and I'm not convinced tourism is going to make it any better.

    5. I hope this is true as I'm considering about moving to Mexico at some point in my lifetime. It's a bummer to read this article considering the effort he made to live his dream in Mexico.

      My preference is for Tijuana for now at least.

    6. Guadalajara, mazatlan and puerto Vallarta are prob the friendliest places for ex pats.

    7. It is real rare that ignorant people keep the body and k ow how to use the victim's cards all over the place, have the suspects been tortured into confessing?
      --Because the poolice usually just grab some derelicts off the street to pin crimes on them and close cases quick.

    8. I have traveled throughout Mexico and commonsense should be your guide. But sometimes luck just isn't on your side. The same applies to any part of the world. I often wonder if the rate of violence in Mexico is blown out of proportion due to social media because it seems to have always been "the wild west " in terms of stick- ups and violence. I love to visit but don't travel at night, don't flash cash or material wealth, keep moving without establishing predictable pattern, and don't go looking for trouble. One can find all the same crap in the good ole USA too and not hard to find either.

    9. 10:14. TJ? Now one of the most dangerous cities in North America. Many of the articles on this site are about violence in TJ. Be careful!

    10. @10:14 am
      Tas pero si bien pendejo compa. La people anda corriendo de tj y tu te conformas con vivir ahi?? Guey.

    11. Good luck! Have money set aside so when you get kidnapped and killed your family can give you a funeral

    12. I was just in Mazatlan this past week. It was my first time. I am a US citizen and I am so impressed with the beauty of the city and the awesome people. I wish I had more time to spend there. Hopefully some day soon I will be back with my family!

  5. A picture sais a thousand words, his family looks like they are not comfortable in that city. He looks really happy though..

  6. O shit!I wondered what intelligence led them to that house?Did authorities know all along when the pressure from US became too great.

    1. no great mystery, a call went to the emergency line of suspicious people at the safe house.

    2. Either they found out from an investigation or somebody called 089 (where you report suspicious activity) and coughed up an anonymous tip.

    3. It wasn't difficult, I'm sure they has surveillance of his credit cards being uses, Mazatlan has cameras everywhere. Also I don't blame the authorities for this one, it obviously was a meth head robbery type crime.

      O'Neil was a great guy, he really was. I would stop at his coffee shop/cafe almost daily before it temporarily shut down for a remodel. Always nice and friendly as was his staff. RIP fellow Maz community member.

    4. for sure this smells like an express kidnapping. they usually let a person go unless it is someone the victim knows or victim tries an escape. then it is a death sentence. I lived in monterrey 5 years ago and it was the capital of express kidnappings, sometimes a dozen or two were grouped together until the bank was drained.

  7. Thoughts & prayers to his friends and family. Such a terrible tragedy.

  8. This was a man loved and liked by many of us and he adored Mexico.One of the good ones to leave much too early and it saddens me greatly. I have known him for many, many years and he was always kind and willing to help in any way he could to anyone.

    1. Sorry to hear of any decent person losing their life in this way,condolences to his family and friends..

  9. His lifelong friends in the US are completely heartbroken. A good man who was loved by everyone who knew him. He did not deserve this. Prayers to his family and we hope justice is served.

  10. Should've taken his business to Costa Rica or Panama instead. Too many jackers in Mexico looking for a free meal for my taste. Don't get me wrong Mexico has many cities worth visiting but that's it.

  11. Prayers for his sweet family. O'Neil was a good, kind, man. He loved Mexico and did no harm. Our hope is justice for O'Neil but no confidence in the authorities in

  12. At 9:08 am, stop with your chapete already he's fallen he's old news now don't make this a cds thing. My condolences to the family.

    1. Oneil will NEVER be old news to those of us who loved him and cared about him. He was a wonderful man who truly cared about others and contributed to the city he called home!

  13. He was a super nice man. Good natured caring. He will be missed.....EXPATS-L.A. to Mazatlan

  14. O'Neil was a wonderful person who will never be forgotten. His U.S. friends, most of whom have known him since childhood, are heartbroken. He loved Mazatlan and had so many wonderful friends there. Evil has triumphed over good this time. I pray those responsible will be brought to justice quickly - although we know that is unlikely due to the rampant corruption. We will never forget and we will always hold Neil in our hearts.

  15. It doesn't stop there. I bet someone holds his body until they get enough money. Happened to someone I know. Even when you are dead Los Mexicanos will try to get more money out of you.

    1. Sure just los Mexicanos?

  16. This article should also note how the DEA is involved with the investigation. With being from Arizona, and having a reputation for being "wealthy", he was more than likely targeted for larger purposes than an express kidnapping.

    If anything, the draining of his bank accounts is merely secondary, and done to make this appear as a typical kidnapping.

    I am betting we will see 'his captors' arrested in the coming days but they will be some petty kidnappers, at best, and probably not the actual one(s) involved with his disappearance.

    I'm afraid we will never know the real story of what happened to Mr. McGean...

    1. He was found in Col. Azteca. Anyone form Maz knows what a sh-hole it is. The few good citizens that have to live there because that is where their casa is hates it. Meth-heads & addicts all over. Sewage backed up in the streets and mainly abandoned dwellings that flop-houses for slumbering druggies. Running water? Not a chance. Working Electricity? Some. I've been in Maz for 7 years and drove or walked through it maybe 3 times. Cops wont even make a pass through. I have no doubt O'neil was the victim of petty addict thieves. Infact any monies they got from his cards are already spent on meth and heroin. No reason for him to die for that nonsensical crime. I just hope he didn't suffer but with those stoned morons who knows.

    2. Very odd that he would live in such an impoverished area as a business owner, especially with a reputation for being "wealthy". The reputation obviously was accurate, as we know he was partying at upscale hotels.

      There was also a questionable post made to his Cafe's Facebook page earlier this year..

      "Very Possible that tomorrow is the last day. We are very close to an agreement and they want me out because I am in the way"

    3. Who says the DEA are involved,,,you ?
      Conspiracy here there and everywhere specially US in Mexico,,oohhhh

    4. It looks like an inside job. Three men have been arrested and are in jail.
      In a quick read here, it says on eof his employess lured /invited him to a hotel were his accomplices beat him, tied him up and took the credit cards and got the id to his bank account. Later they drugged him to sleep but perhaps O D ed him, he had cardiac arrest. Transfered him in a suitcase and buried him in the yard of a sisters house. All three are looking at 20-25 years because of premeditation, personal advantage etc.
      Hideously tragic.

  17. More Americans live in Mexico than any other country in the world. Murders of Americans are pretty rare--they are more likely to be murdered in their homeland--yet are always big news. Sixteen people were shot dead in just one weekend in Chicago late last month. Yet, almost no mention in the news. Could be because they were African-Americans and the media consider that sort of violence normal.

    1. Exactly, all these guys make a scandal over one individual being killed in Mexico, they need to focuse on their homeland first. I bet more Americansare killed in Middle Eastern countries than in Mexico.

    2. 7:14 when the great lawmakers impose "gun rights" for the people killing each other in chicago,
      --who are usually poor unemployed gangbangers,
      --with not much of the best schooling,
      -!who also have imposed a code of silence on the neighbors at gun point,
      --it is 'natural' to have violence like you have in chicago.

    3. 12:55 AM
      What point are you trying to make?
      Some greasy shit when people get jealous over coverage for an innocent life lost.

  18. The persons responsible were found in the same house with him and have been taken in.

  19. Dang it seems to me the man was trying to simply live and found the wrong place at the wrong time. Myself I try to avoid any bars or strange places here in Mexico. But I find that example in just about every country. Life has no value anymore and we all have to watch how and who and where we hang our hats.I hope this gentleman didnt suffer. May peace be with him and his family. And for the killer or killers Im sure you dont care for much ,but know this life is very short and your worst nightmare will begin soon.

    1. If we don't see photos and videos of the assassins using the cards, there is one reason, the military did it, only they can take and hide the video

  20. Conceal and carry is the only answer in Mexico. I would start with some of the a holes on this forum!please I live in Chicago as well as Mexico. The people in Chicago that get shot mostly are gang bangers,and the innocent families who get involved don't turn them in.JUST like Mexico . Take control of your life or be a victim.

    1. Lots of non criminals are also being shot dead in Chicago, and the PD is clearing far fewer cases than 20 years ago. Those are facts

    2. Yes, stats show about 75 percent of Chicago murder victims are black. Were they all gang bangers? No, but many for sure. Another 18 percent were Latino and the rest white. Chicago PD, meanwhile, is solving lots fewer murders than 20 years ago. That's a fact.

    3. The facts:

      about 75 percent of Chicago murder victims are black.

      about 5 percent are white.

      The cops are solving way fewer murders compared to 20 years ago.

    4. Real estate development likes nothing better than empty lots, gangbangers take care of their end side, drugs, shiitings, murders ho's, it all makes money,
      --but real estate development makes most of that money, out of empty lots they redevelop.

  21. I said it before and I will say it again over and over , you have to be a screw loose to live in mexico. I don't care what kind of bargain it is !!! nothing is worth your life...

  22. It was a hate crime

  23. Readers:

    O’Neil’s oldest brother Donnie contacted me, and in his email he wrote a couple of corrections to the story:

    Neil never went to Punta Pacifico. His car never even made it, as the video cameras show. As for him being "wealthy" ,he was far from that as any business owner will tell you whose business has been shuttered for months due to renovation of the building by the building owner. Someone may have thought he was wealthy but they were mistaken.

  24. its Sad for family friends and Mazatlán RIP

  25. the many friends he made in Bisbee, Arizona are heart broken too...

  26. It appears from Google Maps That Col. Azteca was only a 13 minute drive from his cafe. Did he live in Col. Azteca?,+Carnaval+706,+Playas+del+Sur,+82040+Mazatl%C3%A1n,+Sin.,+Mexico/@23.2162231,-106.417324,14z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x869f5300dbfcdc29:0x68be754743e92895!2m2!1d-106.3986298!2d23.224015!1m5!1m1!1s0x869f53eb0d5e185d:0xe2d044f7459fd679!2m2!1d-106.421358!2d23.194115

  27. Having family in Maz, and visiting regular there, I have never had a single problem in that wonderful city. It is safer than LA.

    But, having enough experience in Mexico and especially Sinaloa, there is something off with this story. I doubt he was kidnapped. This strikes me as a drug deal gone bad and/or a sexual escapade gone wrong. Regardless, it is a terrible tragedy as he sounds like a good man. May his family find peace.


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