Sunday, November 13, 2016

Maria's Ordeal: A Woman of "Los Zetas"

 Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat  Material from El Debate and El Universal

A Kind of Hell that Mexico Gives its Women

His name was Guillermo. He married her and then prostituted her with Mexican immigrants in Chicago. "That is where everything started to go wrong", recalls Maria.

Maria came into the office after a series was published in El Debate, a Mexican News outlet, about the oldest sex slave trade on Sullivan Street.

Her eyes were round and clear, her hair short and tinted, her body robust. Now, she was staying at a luxury hotel in Mexico City being helped by The Street to House Foundation, while they worked on her complaint that had been filed against several people who had sexually exploited her for more than 20 years in the US, Monterrey, Queretaro, and Reynosa.

Maria did not know about this street: The Zetas exploited her in the " Tolerance Zone" of Reynosa.

Maria had arrived in Chicago from Cuba, she came to the US with a group of lesbian women who were persecuted in the 80's by the Cuban Regime. Perhaps she decided to leave Cuba because she liked these women." Cubana" , they called her.

There in Chicago the young woman, perhaps 20 years old, without knowing anyone managed to get work in a taco restaurant, where she got to know Guillermo, a friendly and jovial Mexican from Monterrey, "her first man". She fell in love, they married, and for six months they lived a honeymoon. But, little by little he changed. The problem was that Guillermo used heroin and he convinced her to try it.

Maria tried heroin and she liked it. Then she wanted more and she became addicted to the hard drug. Guillermo told her: "If you want more drugs, you are going to have to pull". To pull meant to prostitute herself, to prostitute herself in buildings full of Mexican immigrants. In each room there were 15 to 20 guests. Maria passed from room to room and charged $20 per client. Soon she would be giving Guillermo $500 a day. In exchange, he would give her heroin.

Maria Didn't Understand What Happened-----

One day she became pregnant and had a child. It was 1981 or 82, she doesn't remember well when they were arrested for possession of drugs, the first time they were released very quickly but not the second time. Maria and Guillermo each spent a year in jail. The authorities convinced her to give up her daughter for adoption. "Since then, I knew nothing of her".

Upon release, Guillermo had made the decision to leave the US and take Maria to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. He had an offer of work, he told her. She agreed to go, her heart destroyed by the loss of her child, although she recognized that she had made the right decision about the well fare of the baby by choosing to give her up for adoption.

They traveled by bus. Maria noted that on the bus were some 30 young women traveling: Mexicans, Colombians, Venezuelans. She didn't understand what was happening. She did, hours later, when Guillermo bought her a baby doll and a pair of high heeled shoes, taking her " with some of his good friends" to an elegant house in the San Nicolas de los Garza neighborhood.

There in Monterrey, NL is where he began to prostitute her again.

Guillermo kept everything Maria made and then they another child. "In Monterrey, there is no"
Tolerance Zone", it has all Houses with Appointments. There, in Studio 21, in Punta Negra, he began to beat me. I had to bring in $3,000 Pesos a day, then there was a pile of money. But, when he tired of me, he himself, connected me up with another madam, Rosa Maria, "La Guera".

"La Guera" exploited a group of lesbians, but with a different business plan. Her proposal: whoever earned more per night, would get paid more. However, although they were payed a bit more, "La Guera" charged even more, and that extra money she kept. Maria was sent to San Juan del Rio with Monica Mendoza Reséndiz, another prostitute.

It was "La Guera" who took Maria to Queretaro and Acapulco. There she saw many young women, threatened by their pimps, and if they did not deliver their quotas they were forbidden to see their children. Maria spent several years there with "La Guera" until 1991, then with another until the mid-nineties, when the mafia group took her back north.

North to one of the regions with the most presence of organized crime: Reynosa, Tamaulipas.  At the beginning, it was not so dangerous. In fact, the city had a "Tolerance Zone" for prostitution. There were two walled blocks, where the women worked 52 "houses".

"Here you are going to work. I will come every day to collect. Don't open your mouth and do what I tell you", Guillermo told Maria. His good friends had money, weapons, grenades, cocaine and marijuana. They had tattoos with the letter "Z" and symbols of Satan.

The area was run by a man nicknamed "EL Catracho": violent, ruthless, brutal, and he was in charge of receiving the quotas. "They hooked me on crack/ rock cocaine. They give it to you to smoke, then you pay for it. I had to turn 30-40 per night but that helped me resist the pain. Every single day was drugged and crazy".

Punishment To the Death-------

All of the women of the "house", some 40, were drugged. "There was a room with ashtrays full of coke", said Maria. Those who were lazy or lacking were punished, beaten, sometimes to death. Maria watched how they took out women wrapped in blankets or sheets: "I saw hundreds of dead women. They would be put in a van and taken out to bury them", she said.

"Then I understood that I only had two options: one, that they kill me or two, that I live".

From then on, Maria forced herself to get along well and please everyone, to do what they told her, because "her clients liked me in bed". She noticed how frequently the mafia criminals brought young girls of 13 and 14 years of age to the house "that were robbed from other sides". It was their habit to "keep it clean", with every new arrival of "new meat", they would send the rest of the women to other places.

Maria related: "I was pretty, a size 3, I had gotten breast implants. Many sought me, Z-42 looked for me, I knew him well: one day they took us to a party at a ranch in Allende. Lots of drugs, dancing, everything. It was there I met him. He gazed at me with tattooed shoulders, chest and back, and he chose me.

At one of those parties I saw a man with his skin ripped by a saw; at another, Los Zetas buried a few young girls up to their heads. "I do not know what happened, why they did that, you do not ask anything, you fear and have terror of those men. First, they are happy and friendly, but they become embittered and the beatings start. Once I had my teeth kicked out."

Maria says that Los Zetas are absolute masters of Reynosa. No one chases them, on the contrary, they look out for them. "They also were the owners of the women, they killed them and they sold them. Many never returned".

In the end, according to her account, many of Los Zetas were killed. The Gulf Cartel seized Reynosa, one of its leaders, "Metro 3", became the owner of several houses of prostitution in the Tolerance Zone.

By now, Maria had aged. Roberto Saavedra Santana, "Commander Chiricuas'', the new plaza boss gave her $30,000 Pesos and told her : " Go away now. Go make your life".

Maria managed to work independently, little by little, but she was still hooked on drugs. As the years passed, she no longer prostituted herself, but worked for other girls and young women who were still being exploited, by washing clothes, running errands, shopping, whatever they needed.

One day, with an overwhelming addiction, her now adult son shut her in a room, and forced her to pass through the withdrawal. Her son told her before he shut the door: "Mama, this hurts me more than it will you, but it is for your well-being". Maria spent various days, then weeks, alone in that room with nothing but a television. But, she did it, she managed to do it in the end.

Some years later, Maria worked helping other women in the same situation, through the help of an evangelical Christian, who rescued her. Through the Christian Church of the Good Samaritan, she found her way.

"What we lived was terrible. Put yourself for a moment in our place. You are not going to like it, and neither did we. These days, still many young girls and women are being exploited, just like me".

On the World Day Against the Trafficking in Persons, civil organizations revealed that Monterrey had become the Mexican city with the highest number sexual exploitation of women, most of them young girls.

In Nuevo Leon, speakers from the advocacy group "Mexico United Against Delinquency" said that despite the fact that in recent years Monterrey had been in second place in the national statistic, following Cancun, now it was at the top of the list.

They reported that Monterrey is the principal center of operations of sexual exploitation, highlighting that 75-80 % are victims under the age of 15. They also referred to recent studies made by the Center of Investigations of UANL (Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon) that came up with the same numbers.
The spokespersons explained that some 400 victims arrived every month from various Mexican cities, along with some foreigners and ended up as street prostitutes or working in clubs featuring table dancers. Others are taken to Border areas or the US and forced to work in the sex trade.

The strategic location of the capitol of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, adds to the problem of the arrival of these women, whether voluntarily or by force, many of whom are migrants trying to get to the US.
The group also questions the actions of the authorities of the three levels of government, saying their investigative and /or prosecutorial efforts against organized crime's role in the sex trade, are sporadic at best and often nonexistent.


  1. When the Zetas vs CDG war started, Señor Samuel m-3 was given the green light or paid Reynosa military officials to eliminate everyone in Reynosa who was connected to the Zetas. The Zetas had many businesses in Reynosa wether it was night clubs, brothels, and drug stash houses. Señor m-3 gave the businesses to his commanders as war throphies. The second in command or the operative boss was Juan Reyes r-1 who obviously betrayed m-3. The other commander who was really close to m-3 was Comandante Pakito or m-77 followed by Elizar Salinas m-80, and Polimenso m-60. Choco metro 90 still active was the financial operator for m-3. Ever since the death of m-3 CDG lost a power, Pakito m-77 was probably the last real leader because whether it's envy or bad leadership, betrayals by Gafe and Toro. Señor m-3 was the real deal I am not portraying him as god figure but his the last real boss of CDG.

    1. sounds like you Know what you are talking about. these are the comments that I respect. Great job BB keep it goin

    2. and.....blah, blah bla. Who gives a shit? The story is about women who have been kidnapped, tortured and abused.

    3. This Guillermo should have his nuts slathered in honey, staked out over an ant hill in the desert and left to rot.

    4. You got it right

    5. 5:23 Guillermo is a creation to make Guillermo a persecuted outlaw, he was stealing too much of Conan's spotlight...
      5:19 this is a story of who did the abuse too,
      --zetas all over the mosquero.

    6. @5:23PM Did you know that this was actually a form of execution back in the day? Look up Scaphism. It was some seriously brutal stuff.

    7. Hey BB Everything ok? Why the silence?

    8. Zetasand golfos are endangered species..

    9. 12:03PM R1 obviously betrayed M3? Obvious to you? Why? Because you read a rumor posted in the internet? Can you elaborate?

    10. M-3 got played by gringo.el gringo convinced him that los r's were getting stronger so they snitched on r-1's men.r-1 retaliated by killing m-3.m-3 got killed and r1 on the run,el gringo assumed the leadership for a while.well till his death."los zetas y cdg son la misma popo"

  2. Been a while since i read something on zetas hers on BB

  3. How is she a woman of los zeta? Did I miss something? Reynosa is CDG territory.

    1. Zetas are everywhere 1:17. - El Sol Perdido

    2. For el Sol Nublado, no zetas in Reynosa its obvious that you don't know what you are talking about,... you would have to go back to the days of el Hummer and the CDG and Zeta break up.... after that you were given a choice or with Zetas or with CDG, even family's were torn apart by their poor choices some chose CDG while others chose the latter,... the disappeared during the separation period were every one caught inbetween deciding on one side or the other,.... and that's just one explanation for some that disappeared during the split, there are many reasons why people keep disappearing to include theft of drugs, snitches, chapulines ,... chismosos,... you name it.... my explanation for sol (no sabe) perdido.....

    3. Gosh darn it man read the article. Obviously at one point Los Zetas controlled Reynosa. More than likely it was when the Gulf and Z were still together. Did you read the part when she said all the Zetas were killed by the Gulf and the Gulf took over Reynosa? Keep up junior geez.

    4. 8:09 You must be Reynosas gatekeeper that watches the ins and outs of thousands of people day after day verdad. - El Sol Perdido

    5. 8:14 are you talking to me? at this time there are 48 comments, if you are answering to some other guy, you could have posted his time or signed your name, you have one don't you?

    6. If you replied to my comment then yeah I am talking to you.

    7. She is a victim of zetas' white slavery, aka trata de blancas, "aka trafico de personas".

    8. Don't get mad, get even post the time you are answering to, and don't forget to sign your name, after all these years you owe it to yourself, use it.
      Y no nomás andes ahi de caliente

    9. Not mad 8:48 but it's a little frustrating when people don't READ the article and then they comment. My name is not to be used on this blog. I am just a troll who likes to observe what the opposing team is up to but I do occasionally comment. You have to know your enemy in order to defeat them, correct? Don't forget to back the blue youngster. Ciao!!

  4. The Reynosa part sounds untrue especially the 100's of bodies missimg from the zona. I don't believe. A few guys got whacked a year there or a girl or two but hundreds no way. Most girls 18-22 a few 15 yrs. old but rare. If pretty with maybe 10-20 during busy times and more when new. Coke yes. A lot no. Most girls didnt seem to use But when the zetas took control I did see more users but Nothing at all like usa prostitutes. Considering their harsh circumstances many of those girls were sweet but havent been in 4-5 years. Now...??? HIV etc. Hell no!

    1. You are getting hate backlash ...can't allow through, but essentially they say you don't know the truth....

    2. When you are young you do go and socialize, then you find out how the exploitation works, and you go and puke.
      When churches get involved, many times it is not a good thing, because they are just looking for a break in the wall to come flooding the low lands, the death squads murdering women and children and old men in Acteal-Chenalhó were the disciples of some religious cult and called themselves progresistas and priistas, the mexican government even subsidizes their church building and shit.
      Women deserve a lot better than having to depend on churches and organizations, if a crack head can find himself a wore why can't the government find them?
      Because they get paid to look the other way, that is why.
      Of course, the women "were not educated by their parents" and th have no safety net ot than their panties, because they chose not to studying a good private school, but I have seen beautiful ladies with "fake bachelors degrees in architecture" peddlong their ass to the rich tycoons that will buy it, no matter how expensive, and girls from good private schools on the US getting pimped by some broke ass maphakas too.
      They don't get to see the money thy earn either.

    3. 3.44
      Good posts dude,say it

  5. These poor girls are really the forgotten people. Wonder why good people are mad at their governments? All I hear is save the Syrian refugees. That's fine, but why not save the victims of human trafficking. Where are you EPN? Obama? How can the common person help? A tragedy here.

    1. EPN hasn't left the room, he didn't even show up...
      All the politicians have made off with a lot of the money these women have made for their exploiters, governors senators, every single one, except for some females i'm sure.
      But you should see the ranchos of guillermo padrés, but his ridding saddle, (man that is a saddle, no chingaderas!) javier duarte, rodrigo medina, cesar duarte once bought 8 ranchos in one day, yarrington, herrera beltran, some bought fine horses from el pony rodriguez, i'm sure, why go buying them in colombia from the expensive ochoas?

    2. It is sad. However Mexico is a rather small portion of human trafficking. Europe and Asia rein supreme in that area. Another thing to keep in mind is the traveling to other countries illegally. It is hard to track a person if they don't exist. One day a solution will surface, until then let's just hope for safety for all.

    3. I really hate to say this but nothing you can do. It's like f8ghting drugs, can't beat it. Drugs and sex will always be desired. hate this shit.

    4. The Power of Choice

  6. Viva Monterrey! Shame has been achieved! BRAVO! :(

    1. Bizness is bizness, monterrey has always packed good jobs, technology money and pirujas, cockroaches always follow them.
      War zones are the same thing, leave not many other choices to women and children.
      Cancun was not made in one day, but many pederasta tourists contributions piled up to achieve the nice restautants and 5 star hotels "de luxe" as they do the Asian Boom.

  7. Theres a audio video on facebook that was sent in by el f1 cdg in zacatecas today to a news site, giving a message to whats going on in the state with all the crimanl groups trying to take over, he states alot of good points,

    1. Whats the name of Facebook site???

    2. Can't find it, what's the name of the Facebook site??

    3. Its called zacatecas zona de peligro scroll down to find it, ur welcome buddys

    4. Someone could translate that video for us gringos.

    5. 4:50 PM
      Thanks man

    6. I really wish good to el panchito, pero creo que ni en su casa lo conocen, is this a campaign to make him famous and persecuted? I remember el Ostion, killed but alive and hiding in some rancho, and the BOSS, presidente municipal Medrano who made himself a millionaire in cd Juareeez and as a compadre of nayarit governor and his wife, two cities full of carrillos.
      Now as a federal congressman, median cooks laws to prosecute anti peñanietistas for badmouthing his beloved president epn
      "he so cute"

  8. These scumbags need to be erased from the face of the earth . I hate a goddamned pimp .

    1. You got robbed and don't like pimps! Hilarious!
      At a strip/whore house in Veracruz, Veracruz.
      You pay to enter and get a free lapdance from the working girls. Behind the dance floor is the servicing room. Black American dude went into back room with a sexy young hoe. His euphoria didn't last when he exited the happy room and the boys said you own this much dinero$$$, or it's your hide. He left with his unhappy hide!

    2. Pimps are the lowest form of life. Leave it to the mayates, they have no soul anyway

    3. Billy Jack will take care of them!!

  9. The gulf cartel guy sounds like a prince compared to the savages with Los zebras!

    1. It's all propaganda like with killary and trupmp. The media makes the cdg look good. They are just as bad and even worse. There is always a good bad guy and a bad bad guy. It's all BULL

    2. True! They All are evil. But..cdg did own some newspapers that tried to put them in good light or even to help try and frighten other cartels by showing dismembered bodies of young poor steet vendors and hawks. Or the videos chopping heads off young men and women (some not bad looking you Bastards! Both sides guilty cdg and z) ALL cartel are EVIL!

  10. I don't if I believe this story.

    1. 7:06 you may want to go there in person and investigate?
      Observe and report, if your nosy ass gets out alive.

  11. I don't get it....this girl is Cuban right?? All Cubans have automatic refuge resident status in the USA!! Here is where I have an issie.. Why would she marry a pimp?? Why on the name of the Allah the all merciful would she follow this guy to Mexico??why would she do drugs?? According to the article she made a bunch of money enough to make a run for it back to USA??right.... I don't really feel have for her..cause in have Mexicans relatives that woould kill to be legal residents in the USA...I say poor choice on her part.

    1. In some cases in reference to uneducated:
      Between life and death Attention = Survival

    2. Very simple. End up with a sociopath husband or partner or whatever. If she has a low self esteem then it's over, this can easily happen.

    3. The nice boyfriend has more pull than residing on the US, load that with addiction and there you go with the monkey on your back for a good long while, some call it love, ask Tina Turner "What's love got to do with it"
      --Carmen Salinas la diputada corcholata told women, how to be safe with their boyfriend, "bañense" (take shower before going out with the pimp)

    4. In the middle of all the crap, Roberto Saavedra Santana, "Commander Chiricuas" gave her $30 000.00 pesos to help, and her son grew up.

  12. When they get a chance all these whores rob their customers!
    No doubt she has ripped off 1000s of johns and passed lots of diseases!
    I stopped feeling empathy for adults who are stupid a longtime ago. Many people are stupider than animals, and that's just the way the world turns.

    1. Agree they will take ur last penny and i was a dumbass and feelt sorry for them

    2. IMHO you are very harsh.

    3. 1:25..I said a prayer for you!

    4. 125, if I had to chose between robbing a "customer" and letting just one more stranger have sex with me, I would choose to steal every time if I were in that position. People that pay for sex in this industry should know better than to leave their wallets laying around.

    5. 3:15-The John has to take his pants off at somepoint for access [in most cases].Where would he put his wallet if not leave it in his pants pockets?On the nighttable?

  13. 10:52 . Don't know how accurate the story is but all the points you make mean little and the why don't don't count . She got in slowly and was in deep before she realized what she was in . Sure it was poor choices . It was also a master manipulator with a magic potion that helped gain control .

    1. Ye,we all make poor choices,all of us,all of the time,sometimes a person has no other choice,a lot of these girls have good looks and absolutely nothing else.
      Im not going to condemn her ?

    2. 7:41 if you are so hard up, get with the women's exploiters, or their pimps, and beat the crap out of them,

    3. That is correct. There are millions of choices to be made in life for everyone. Apparently, some of these comments are made by lucky people whom have never personally known a drug addict. A real one. Or a young economic migrant for that matter.

    4. Some commenters are like the law and order, pile it up on the lesser men or women, never on their allies in stealing everything from health education and welfare.
      --take la chucky or fidel castro, in cuba they optimize and make do with what they have.
      --in mexico they steal all they can and defend themselves with police and military.
      --la chaky in prison can't be touched for a fine or expropriation, except maybe on the US

    5. 11.03
      Ok Errol heard that,fuck knows what your gibbering about like,but,were all not as hard as you

    6. These clowns on here talkin like half arsed pimps ?

  14. Every low life gangbanger of all drug cartels exploit these poor girls. Prostitution is a very big money spinner. For every one case reported, thousands go unreported. No drug cartel is better than the other, they are all parasites

  15. If I remember correctly, when Zetas battled Gulfs many girls were being abducted and disappeared.
    I'm guessing this girl is one of the lucky ones?

    1. The mexican military do not consider women full persons, except if they are their wives, mothers or sisters, all others are objects to be used and discarded, including some female cadets."bullying en escuela militar: abuso sexual, tortura, extorsiones" Veronica Espinosa.
      --this is in the mexican medical military college, imagine what happens on other branches, and on the legal side they only learn to deny and cover-up, that is mexican military justice. general que sufrió bullying y fué a prision/ Martha Duran de Huerta...El general José Francisco Rincon Gallardo, entra al colegio militar en 1962...
      (may know something about general salvador cienfuegos zepeda)
      Google: raptos y violaciones en el heroico colegio militar mexicano.

  16. $20?! USD/Peso? 10+ men/boys a night?! Whoah, and Heide Fleiss is no where to be found. No wonder the girls have to be kidnapped, Boom!

    1. Actually about $8 us depending on exchange rate 100/pesos divide by about 12 back then. Kidnapped? Nope. Dont believe. Most had a kid and little to no support system. Most 80% or higher didnt appear to use drugs. (Actually I tried to help a few but seems like most didnt really want help or they couldnt trust anyone.) But...I met a young man that had a "girlfriend" their and he died of AIDS. I am just saying. Tony M.

  17. Sounds like a fake story to make zetas look bad I mean I know there savages but these two cartels make up stories like that...the one with grandma who's walking down the street after she got robbed by the zetas and cdg gives her money and helps her was fucken funny

    1. 10:28 You may be right about the cartels making up shit about one another . That being said , there is nothing that they could say to make the zetas look worse .They could be show evidence they eat babies on a full moon and they could not look worse than they already do . These people are as bad as any ever on this planet . Adolf Hitler may have to step aside when they get to hell .

    2. link to this story?

  18. Off topic,the true boss is Javier duarte...ex governor of Veracruz...all cash he took! They just seized 112 bank accounts,homes and a big ass horse ranch,top notch ranch!

    1. Fidel herrera beltran aka z1 did not leave javier duarte many choices but to get with cjng, when duarte started governing veracruz the mata zetas started their career, then there were more encounters with cjng because duarte sold the plaza to cjng.

  19. Alot of drug cartel members confide in their whores and take them to their hideouts. Thereforestation the girls wereabducted were tortured for information. It's too easy.

    1. 3:11. Men confide in escorts not whores. Guys confide in whores not escorts.

    2. 9:11 escorts are nothing but dignified expensive ho's.
      Real men Don Juan their way around on face value only, help out fallen women, and may take gratuities, because nothing is free in the world, no escorts, no ho's

    3. They ain't no wall too high for real men, rich and poor women know them at first sight, but make do with what they can. It is like they say, the finest horse gets walked around the prettiest mare, then there comes a jack ass burro, and that's how mules get made.

    4. "the finest horse gets walked around the prettiest mare"

      Does this include paying up front 100s or 1000s just for one date without knowing if the date will be a good one? Probably not, hence differences

  20. Used to go to Reynosa frequently. Too much bad publicity for me and I always wondered if Boys Town there was still as active? Is it easy to find a pro in Progreso?

  21. In 2010, my cousin took me to a bar near Miguel Aleman on the outskirts towards Reynosa. I remember going through a highway toll (cazeta) Was the first and only time I seen Metro 3. My cousin knew him and introduced me to him. I didn't know who the guy was, I was distracted by the chic on a stripper pole. (Just being honest) I bought us a few beers and the girls seen dollar bills, it drew their attention. None of the girls seem to be there by force. I did talk to one girl and I asked her where she was from, she replied Monterrey. I asked her why does she come from so far? She said that Thursdays they would go to all the nearby towns and bring them up to work; Monterrey, Reynosa, matamoros; etc. they slept in a large room with bunkbeds and restroom. They would return them on Monday...maybe when Metro 3 took control it was different. Of course their was prostitution but never by force...The bar made money off them by charging the girls or the John for the room. Next to that, the girls would keep their money. Nothing different to what girls do at the gentlemen's club here in the states.

    1. Dude,similar to Thailand etc,you get bar girls,and the bar owner gets money out of her for sittin off in your bar(sometimes live upstairs)specially if westerners with dough use the bar a lot,the better bars have killer babes workin in them and the punters cant resist them,the girl can ask up front for dough for the bar before the punter can take them anywhere,obviously you check the dudes make sure their not cranks,if they are you can fuck them off,or if the girl is willing or wants to its up to her,theres that many killer babes there,sexy as fuck,spoilt for choice..
      What you say is true enough

    2. They ALL say they are from monterrey. MINTERREY IS SUPPOSE TO HAVE beautiful women as is guadalajara. Puro pedo if they were beautiful they would marry into money. Such is life in Mexico. Que triste. Strip clubs and whores hpuses are like the Internet you can reinvent yourself over and over be whoever you want. Right comandante perro. Hahahahahaha

    3. Yeah right mexico city they r probably from Reynosa I quit going out with them can't trust them.they will have their Rob u. They ain't little school girls.

    4. @7:50 yeah well I'm not "Comandante Petro" I don't have nothing to gain by lying. I just sharing my experience with the story. My family is from the valley and am very aware of their business, but one thing I can say is CDG tries to stick to their roots, drug trafficking...

    5. @7:37 I had a friend that traveled to Thailand during R&R and he told me some stories about the way they run their sex trade. I'll put it this way, he said the movie Hangover 2 is PG to what he

  22. The brother of David arellano comandante charmin got killed in mty by undercover cops..
    2 of his henchmen got scared and start to runaway

    1. Zeta old school cats,theres a picture of him lyin there well gone,same dance again"armed men seen"report?

  23. I wish the CDGob would consider where that plata come from

    1. 9:52 CDGOV HAS NEVER CARED WHERE MONEY COMES FROM, they just want a lot of it to end in their pockets.
      News FLASH, javier duarte is said to have sent a letter to veracruz congress, duarte wants to come back to finish his "governorship""...

  24. Sad that her first man put her through hell, wounder if she is really married to him in Mexico it's custom to say husband and wife even if they are not really married either way he was supposed to protect her as his wife. Dushbag someone throw a chancla at him.

  25. Nothing new here. I've been hearing about this women's sexual exploitation for quite some time and in several BB articles but is anything being done? Hell no. Everybody goes into shock and awe and the next day all is forgotten.

    1. 12:04 Sadly it isn't going away unless they come up with new tactics the worlds oldest profession will have the longest future

  26. My family has helped fund a safe house for women that are in this lifestyle. Alot of them are forced, some are coerced, some voluntarily, others to fund a habit, there is no one size shoe that fits all.

    It is always sad to see a woman sell herself, whatever the motives, it is always to solve a temporary problem by looking for a solution that has a very permanent consequence. Even after they leave the "lifestyle" or "escape" many of them have difficulty transitioning to a more traditional lifestyle. PTSD, Trauma, Personality Disorders, etc etc etc. The years after....I have compassion for these women.....My wife and I have tried to help alot of women, some we were able to help, others went back into it.

    This story could be very true, or untrue I am not going to dispute or argue what I do not know. But keep in mind that whether or not this story may or may not be true or this Maria may or may not exist, there are millions of Maria's.

    1. thank you for your comment.
      This story is a compilation of two pieces from two sources.
      Two names but same woman.
      There are alot of Maria's out there, spot on.

    2. GOD bless you and your family. Mexico needs all of the help it can get. El Nemesis-

    3. A foundation to prosecute the exploiters is more needed, but they get around the law fine because lawyers and politicians make sure that their buddies are well covered, it is like with the NRA lobbyists and the weapons merchants...
      --Weapons make more money than bread and butter, there may be some relation there.

  27. Off topic:

  28. President Fox laundry 600million dolars in Georgia

    1. 4:48 if you know this , I sure hope the usa justice knows . I love it when my country takes all from drug dealers

    2. President Fox is not being fingered for that, his ex-wife Lillian de la Concha and her "boyfriend" are among the accused,
      --Mr fox's involvement may be classified because high class politicians and dignitaries involved in drug trafficking are precious to the eyes of drug trafficking magnates on the US.

  29. @4:48 Source or link please.

    1. 9:04
      ●Borderland Beat
      ●El Paso Times, by Diana Washington Valdez.

    2. @9;08AM I searched all three sources you cited as well as doing a google search of Vincente Fox being involved in laundering. I found some stories about his ex-wife and some of his former step children being involved, but not one alleging that he was involved. Send me a link if you have one that contains such allegations.

    3. In mexico, as on the US, it is hard to find evidence, the high class dignitaries go to great extents to cover up their dirty deeds, murder whistleblowers, persecute their accusers, but the buck stops with them, all their men and all their horses and the high excellent dignitaries they chose to ally with are all full of shit, maybe they did not know their mighty powers were being used to influence to benefit themselves and their own, or they just were really all asleep, it is their responsibility, they did not just volunteer,
      también andaban ahi de calientes.

  30. Did el kevin's wife finish him off? He did get shot from behind Has his body turned up?

  31. Mataron al comandante Mafo Metro 81 en Reynosa


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