Thursday, November 10, 2016

Los Antrax and its fallen leaders

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from an El Debate article

Subject Matter: Los Antrax
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

This past 30th of October, the second in command of Los Antrax, El Sargento Phoenix, was killed with gunfire in Culiacan. This past week, a confrontation between armed civilians and the Military in Miguel Hidalgo colonia cost the lives of three people, three injured and six detained, as well as the confiscation of various weapons.

According to Military sources, those taken down were Rene N known as Sargento Phoenix or el Gato Negro: among the other El Chuy y, and a third without identification. The last two, their real names are unknown.

Sources only confirm that they were considered important leaders of the criminal group Los Antrax, in the service of the Sinaloa Cartel.

These men were killed inside of two vans of recent model one of the armored. Of the three shot and injured, two were recognized as Jose Javier N, 25 years of age, and Juan Carlos N, 32 years of age. The third mans identity is unknown, but his state of health is reported as serious. All were taken to the General Hospital, where the Military maintain a tight security cordon around nearby streets.

According to authorities, these events were registered around 4 am in the morning of Sunday the 30th of October, around Miguel Hidalgo Boulevard, between the streets Esteban Flores and Alejandro Quihano.

According to information offered, the forces were circulating on the mentioned place, but were not seeking Los Antrax, they were only there to offer support to Sinaloa, when they were informed of armed people.

Who are Los Antrax?

It as in 2008 when Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa alias "El Chino Antrax" founded this group, after the separation of the organizations of Sinaloa and the Los Beltran Leyva.

It is said that it was created principally to protect the sons of Ismael "El Mayo Zambada, its members were principally in Culiacan.

But "El Chino Antrax was not the only found of this group, well Rene Velazquez alias "Sargento Phoenix Antrax", "El Gato Negro" and "El Taliban" was one of the heads.

What distinguished its members is a skull ring with diamonds, which implies leadership, death and power.

Other members that are active, but fugitives from the law are Eliseo Imperial Castro "El Cheyo Antrax", a nephew of "El Mayo" Zambada.

Fallen Antrax

One of the primary fallen leaders was Redel Castro, "El Pocho Antrax",  he died during a massive shootout in June of 2010, against the Beltran Leyva in Tubutama, Sonora.

In May of 2011, Franklin Olguin Velazquez alias "El Franki or "El Dos", Jesus Humberto Corona Guillen alias "El Chuve" and Pedro Valenzuela Meza alias "El Pedron", were killed by the Mexican army. Another high ranker and close to "El Chino Antrax", Francisco Arce Rubio "Pancho Arce", was taken down during a football game in Culiacan by "Los Mazatlecos".

In February of 2012, Roque Landeros, "Roque Antrax, died together with another 3 men in Culiacan, it is said that these homicides were derived from an internal struggle in the Sinaloa Cartel.

Finally, fell Rene "El Sargento Phoenix" during a shootout in Culiacan, (Otis: see link to article on this by BB Reporter El Wachito).

Rene N, who while alive was signalled as the second in command of Los Antrax, was one of three people that died on the morning of that Sunday, after being involved in a a confrontation with elements of the Marines in Calle Miguel Hidalgo, of the colonia of the same name.

El Sargento Phoenix, who has many narco corridos dedicated to him, was described as a highly violent person who used various types of weaponry.

Characterized by his almost always black clothes, and his shaved head and long beard, this subject was signalled as an important player within the organization of Los Antrax,  where he was also known as "El Sargento Phoenix" or "El Gato Negro".

Original article in Spanish at El Debate


  1. Antrax are very dangerous! Pero en los corridos no mas!

    Saludos al Senor Trump Antrax

    1. They "were" dangerous.... it only looks like
      El Cheyo Antrax is the only leader that is still
      out there.

      They might have a lot of un-experienced cronies
      playing hawk or distributing locally, however,
      I doubt they are as organized as they were before.

    2. Exactly all they are is talk no gato controlla aqui

  2. Y mi compa el guero bastidas q rollo tambien era antrax..

    1. No era antrax el solo los financiava y era compa y de confiansa de Vicente Z. El 9 era la clave que uso cuando estaba bajo VZ. Despues de la captura de VZ se fue a jalar con un primo del chap0 y lo tronaron porque le tenian envidia. El guey sin querer le andaba bajando la morra al cholo ivan o al 90.


    2. 10:17pm.. Uste si sabe como correl agua mi compa.. Asi es la vida mafiosa.. Todos vs. Todos y salvese el ke pueda.. Aaaaahahahahaha.. Ke piche vida.. Triste sus calaberas sino preguntales (alos antrax) .. Aaaaahahahahaha por mi ke se maten todos lo mas rapido posible pake dejen vivir en paz a la ciudadania d bien..

  3. Did they get caught attending a party?
    It is usually a case of entrapment when a crew like this gets so badly wacked, just one more falso positivo

  4. It's crazy how anthrax have been trying trying to take out cjng in colima, jalisco and veracruz and all of a sudden they are military targets. Strange but there is no such thing as coincidence.. either zambada gave them up because they couldn't do the job or mencho had something to do with it. Either way it was because of mencho

  5. El pedrรณn antrax has the best corrido

    1. True, the corridos do sound good. But that's about it

    2. OK expert whatever you say. There was a guy named M1 who actually did a lot of what his corridos say. Like.....hmm kill the shit out the mofos who killed his son.

    3. El M1 was a piece of shit, child killer. killed a bunch of innocent teenagers to wrongfuly avenge his son. He was a hypocrite piece of trash im glad hes dead. M1 the real mata ninos.

    4. el ondeado killed a bunch of innocent people when mayo told him that the beltranes killed his son. he picked up random civilians just because it made him feel better.
      his son died because someone higher ranking than him gave the green light.

    5. And where exactly is m1 now?

    6. 6:25 dead because mayo gave him up just like anthrax. He needs to feed the beast before the beast goes after him.

  6. This Virus doesn't die, It Multiplies

    1. Not without any hosts. No hosts no infection.

  7. Redel Castro was not a leader and he committed suicide.

    1. Agreed, he shot himself. He even has corridos explaining his death.

      Redel Castro by Regulo Caro

    2. Lmao. Thank you. Someone who knows the truth

    3. Lmao. Finally Someone who knows the truth

    4. Lol he was a punk follower not a leader.

    5. He realized anthrax were not what they say in their corridos and looked around and said "fu@k I'm just going to kill myself before they catch me alive with these wannabes"...

    6. Rendel castro has a brother in baja california sur a las ordenes de el mayo

    7. His brother chris castro killed himself over a girl. What a coward

    8. Redel Castro was Cheyo (antrax) Imperial Castro's primo hermano..He was nephew to El mayo Zambada (not by blood,but by marriage.I wouldn't say he was a nobody.

    9. Redel castro had a brother named chris who also shot himself..el pocho antrax lived in Maywood he got in trouble with the law due to him shooting a female and a guy so he had to flee the country

    10. El pocho was from the hood big bad 18 gang!

    11. El pocho was from 18st,his cousin is el cheyo which is el nephew del M , his youngest brother if im correct is el r13 , his fam are heavy hitters in LA, they claim he commited suicide when los mazatlecos where about to get him, also pancho arce is married or i mean was to el cheyos sister eli , and they are forgetting to meantion el fello antrax which was the son of the police cheif and his sister married el changuito antrax, they also forgot about el camaron antrax which one the one there when el mini 6 was shot and was part of los antrax and el m1 people which i never understood until i realized el m1 was part of the antrax, so was el peรฑa , they also didnt talk about el mele, and the list goes on

    12. 12:08 well, post all the names of all the antrax so we can know the extent of the biblical proportions.looks like they were the real Expendables.
      Pero ahi andaban de calientes.

    13. Cholos anthrax against sicarios huh no wonder anthrax have no chance

    14. @ 6:44 lol but then again antrax are finished.

    15. 12:08 AM
      Talk about caught slippin,Antrax el mele went hunting to finish and kill off Chikyspays family young bro(Chikyspay)was killed days earlier,he rolls up to his house bangs on the door and the kid perforated the greasy mofucker,the young bro was found days later tied up dead.Macho Prieto was supposedly arrested with Chikyspay in 05 but not publicized

    16. So how does Chino Anthrax fit into this whole picture?

    17. @2:00 Chino was the lead gunman for Los Antrax before he got arrested in Amstredam and started snitching on everybody. He is in federal prison in the US and under administrative protection. In other words he is separated from the general population as a protected witness aka "snitch housing".

    18. 2:00 chino antrax is gone from the picture, and if he comes back, he will be gone again, maybe for good, to make it worth his while. As Cassius Clay said, "stay down!"

  8. Live by the gun die by the gun...

    Wonder were they will be buried at? i have a hot steamy loaf to leave on top of there tomb stone or better yet on the stairs of there fancy church style house fancy gizmo ..

    1. Geez, shake it off

    2. Best post I have read in awhile!

    3. More pretzels?
      BB getting better commenters now,
      que tambiรฉn andan ahi de calientes

  9. All these dudes ended up getting handled. Even their women.

  10. Los Antrax are history, and its known that they were weak in gun battles. Beltran Leyva always smashed on them in their own territory.

    1. Chino was scared shitless of chalito Araujo and his charritos, they always knew that chalito and Los Beltran Leon hanged around la 6 de enero but always sent federales to fight them. Los charros y chalito has some of the best corridos cus they are all true lol

    2. Que fin tuvierin mos charritos? Chalo jr fue el que aventaron los marinos por la ventana, cuando el botas blancas?

    3. Tu,"chalito",los charros y el chino pa que vayan y chinguen mucho a su "Mausser"
      ( i posted like that hoping it will pass by BB)

    4. Can you share more about chalo and chalito? De q linea eran? Mayo originally?

    5. @ 6:01 lol they had chino running for his life en la colonia las vegas in culiacan, chalito had balls not like redel.

    6. @ 11:05 que mayo ni que la chingada, chalito araujo was with ABL after the split in 2008, beltran leyva always was effective and gave sinaloa hell, arturo had his own cartel but guzman and mayo paid off the government, then they fuck chapo in the rear in 2014 lol

    7. Otis can you post "El Cuerno Y El Chanate.

    8. chalito Araujo,son of another sicario El Chalo Araujo,dude chalito bailed out the window at the firefight when Arturo beltran was mincemeated,hes the guy lyin on the grass outside,crazy young buck,there is video of him and his boys bangin away with all kinds of shooters,granadas on YT

    9. didnt chalito Araujo jump out the window instead of fighting like arturo did?

    10. La barbie did what he did best, el charro araujo was his father in law. All beltranuses. El barbas tried to surrender, but got shot and murdered, chapitos jumped out the window and got shot on the way down, and more important, el barbas chased genarco garcia luna and got him cogido and brought to him for not delivering on his deals as agreed, after that el barbas got chased until the end, Peรฑatas got el barbas business and the marinelas earned some points, it never was la chapa,
      Epn was tumando caรฑas already for his presidential run,arrived to televisa and la gaviota...

    11. Chalito jumped when they took out arturo in the door hallway.
      El rojo was another loyal BL soldier.

    12. Chalo Araujo sr killed himself over a debt to el chapo i bealive it was a 3 million dollars they gave him a date and he didnt come up with the cash. I think they wanted him dead cause he was a mess.

    13. After killing two ministeriales, the police ministerial surrounded chalo araujo, and people are saying he, chalo araujo payan committed suicide by his own hand, but it looks like he was extrajudicially executed, others accuse el mayo.

    14. Was a policia judicial for a while el Gonzalo Araujo Payรกn, it was not enough that he had sicarios and leverage, his brother Victoriano "el chano" araujo was murdered in prison when a comandante ordered him to his office, and el ondeado also killed a lot of other araujo juniors and el charrito's brother francisco javier beltran leon.
      El ondeado is gone and only el charrito lives on, may still be in Puente Grande, for being a rapist, a narco and a murderer.

  11. Hilton photographed with one or some of these guys or photoshopped?

    1. Chino anthrax took a picture with her during a boxing match in Vegas.

    2. Yeah chino antrax was being a deseperate fan and snapped a quick pic next to her at a boxing match but claimed on his instagram he partied with now you see how that ended. Showoff.

    3. 1128. In house fighting

    4. Why these fuckers want to be celebs is beyond me. Fool you are a hitman for fuck sakes. Hide your damn identity or you will up dead yourself.....oops too late.

    5. Lots of his pics where photo shop

    6. Rodrigo is a sophisticated man. He kept most of his celebs shots private... Don't blame him for his glamour.

    7. @5:07 Lmao "rodrigo is a sophisticated man" he was a naco who had a little money and was still naco. He couldnt buy class. What really bothered me on his instagram account back in 2012-2013 was that he would blur out his face and not his daughters. What kind of self centered person like the anonymity of himself but not his family. Especially given his career choice. Egotistical maniac.

  12. Reset Castro " el pocho antrax" was not murdered. He commited suicide. He was cheyos cousin. He was originally from Bell CA. Until this day his parents reside there and he was not murdered he took him self out. So did his little brother Chris Castro and I believe el R3 is his older brother..

    1. El R3 ERA hermano de Pancho Arce... Ya lo mataron tambiem

    2. 11:55 el R3 de seguro tambien andaba de caliente.

  13. Sinaloa lost all respect for snitching

    1. Yea everyone snitches even u everyone just go to YouTube and u can c it there we get it ok

    2. Chapo snitched....

  14. El pocho wasnt a primary leader.. El fello antrax was

    1. If I'm not mistaken fellow was the son of a police captain and the original commander of the anthrax until he was killed in a car wash in culiacan.

    2. Ese fello no estaba con una hija del m1? Que despues se junto con el serafin z.?

  15. Yall are going by info on corridos ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. Well "That's what the corrido says!" Lol

    2. Just like the death of these guys are in corridos. Oh and exactly how BB has reported, so I guess BB is shit for reporting on corridos huh?

  16. Otisville B fly-wheel ? The Otisville B fly-wheel. ?

  17. los Antrax are a bunch of thugs . CJNG are real black ops Israeli trained mercernaries puras calibre 50 Barret ,HK MP5 , y lanza granadas .

    El 20 Fuerzas Especiales CJNG

    1. Cjng are the same what happen to the 50 cjng especial forces who got executed lmao boy stop whit you fantasy

    2. Lol sure puro crystaleros mas bien jejeje

    3. 12:09 they were not sicarios dummie, there's a story about how the government staged the whole thing. They didn't even have guns. They were planted, mencho got off clean...

    4. Los charros would have send them back in pieces like your antrax haha

    5. Telosico el 20; no pueden con los zetas en guadalajara ni en veracruz. Es mas ni an podido controlar michoacan y eso que el gobierno les dio la mano. JAjajajjajajaja

    6. Tanhuato is a massacre still "being investigated"
      On the federal senate and deputy congressmen for investigation and with human rights agencies "working on it"
      --But not about to get solved anytime soom, like Tlatlaya, acteal, apatzingan, mexico 68 or the halconazo, the legislators are pushing to get LEY ATENCO passed to be able to kill at will and not have to be hiding their murdering, the Ley Mordaza and the Ley Bala too, to fight mexican corruption of badmouthing the government, mexican people needs to respect the government and pay plenty of taxes, or else, after all they are 3rd class people of NorthAmerica...

  18. They look like ISIS....kill em all

  19. Good riddance to garbage rubbish. Kill all these scumbag Cockroaches

  20. Good to see you reporting Otis!

  21. Pues no que los mas pesados y que cuentan con todo el apoyo, simepre se reporto las chingas que les ponian, que grupo elite no sirvieron

  22. Welcome back, Otis! BB has missed you ๐Ÿ˜€

  23. welcome back otis! :)

    1. ❤❤❤Love you Otis!
      Atentamente:El Sol Perdido

  24. OMG Otis good to see an article by you, missed your post. Hope you keep posting. And it's sad to see that many die for a cause that's not worth it even if they are evil they were human and innocent at one point. The addiction to luxuries kill to.

  25. I love this article. This type of news comes from those
    on the ground in Culiacan and I respect that 100%. Out-
    standing post B&B contributor.....keepem' coming!

  26. As January approaches you will notice, the violence is about to start dying down. Can't make much more noise. Times up

  27. You guys forget that Morronis Anthrax is still out there and still considered dangerous!!

  28. Nice seeing your name with a post Otis!!

  29. I listen to corridos so I know that los anthrax are the most bravest and we'll trained hit men group.
    Can Any one confirm this

    1. The original 31 Los Zetas members were the most highly trained cartel hitmen. I say WERE because most if not all of the original members are either dead or in prison. Present day the best hitmen are Los Linces of the NCDJ. They operate like real hitmen should and that's stay anonymous and in the shadows. Kill their target, collect their payment and then it's back in the shadows for them. Los Antrax are a glorified group of gunmen who protect the Zambadas. Nothing more.




  32. All of you are so wrong stop reading wiki and chismiandoing, pocho didn't commit suicide homeboy owed a debt of a couple mil he couldn't pay so he was taken out by el orriental ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿค me and my big mouth

    1. This guy knows what time it is, bravo sir let theses Wikipedia fools Chismiar hahaha

    2. Estas pendejo. He was in a shootout with the military and rather shot himself than being arrested.

    3. Supposedly committed suicide at Tubutuma when GN/R5s was ambushed by Gilo/BLO/Zetas instead of being taken by them?You say 5.7,or the other el oriental with the brother fucked him ? Too confusing

    4. Doesn't meter either way he got caught slippin.... and if his corrido

    5. actually he might be right, antrax at that time didnt leave culiacan so why would he be with gn in sonora

  33. What about changito and El chikillo avendaรฑo

    1. Al chikillo lo dejo morir el changuito.. no quiso meter las manos por el porque disque le falto el respeto a Ivan en una posada navideรฑa. Se rumora que lo mato el popeye y el trebol.

  34. you know Cheyo Antrax is the only principal leader left....
    dying breed...

  35. Pretty wicked video

  36. los antrax se formaron como en el 2004. en un cd de una fiesta privada de los mayitos tocan su corrido de el viruz los parientes

    1. Los formo VZ no los mayitos esos eran morros aun.

    2. i heard antrax was just a bunch of thugs and taggers from culiacan that formed together

    3. Antrax was just a party crew

  37. That skull ring does not have diamonds, not even cubic zirconias. Those are cheap foil backs.

    1. And you know this how? Because you zoomed in on the picture and used a magnifying Glass like a Real jeweler?Hahaha..

  38. El mero chingon del virus sigue vivo el totoy antrax lmfao in all seriousness though antrax is basically gone now sure you still have cheyo who's most likely in charge but they arent or were ever what their corridos made them out to be

    1. ๐Ÿ‘นlmao

    2. Ay anda el Changuito, El Traka, El Cheyo, Y El Cocheras Antrax. Tambien esta el Javi 23 Antrax pero el esta bien perdido en la droga le gano la adiccion al crystal...
      El FM..

  39. How is Cheyo out?....wasn't he arrested with Mayito Gordo?

  40. Chikillo avendaรฑo has been dead

  41. Antrax nunca muere el cali no era nadie importante el Phoenix tenia el mando despues de q Mataran al chiquillo antrax

    1. El cali antrax era mano derecha del mayito gordo. El y el cheyo aun que tambien el chavo. Calibrando era el numero 3 de los antrax mas alto que el finix. Si era jefe de los antrax detras del chino y cheyo luego pancho.

  42. I visited California department of corrections inmate search for El Chino and he didn't pop up as an inmate in California wounder why.

    1. Hes in Federal prison, not CDC

    2. MCC SD. Hes in a federal prison.

  43. Thanks so much for posting again Otis!!! :D Your talent was missed ❤️

  44. Bazuca del m.p ese dรญa no detonaron
    Ni aquel machete filoso que dicen carga el ondeado
    El mentado 5.7 tampoc dio resultados....

    The poster boy of the antrax was exposed as a fraud an was mostly ineffective when it was time for action...what does that tell you about the rest of the organization.

  45. Gente gente porfavor Mrs Claudia ochoa Felix es la unica que esta al mando Del el virus

  46. There is a new generation of Antrax in training right now . Navy Seals Special Forces and Spetsnaz are providing military training .
    New corridos are being written and recorded .

    Antrax Lives Matter !

    1. 4:23 Maybe, but mexican marinas and army soldiers with real training will soon start running their own federations, with los pinos and their military firmly in control, and no AMLO Is going to save them from nowhere, presidential chair or campaign podium, the UN can't help, they also own their ass to
      the Compony Sto'...

  47. You burn me, you step on me.
    You kneel when I am waved.
    But I’ve faced much worse than this,
    The road to freedom I have paved.

    I’ve rode with George Washington,
    And gone down with ships at sea.
    I’ve flown in the wild blue yonder,
    and been carried on the shores of Normandy.

    With imprisoned soldiers I have been,
    And raised on Iwo Jima by soldiers brave.
    I’ve been with those who never returned home,
    To widows I’ve been handed and laid on a soldier’s grave.

    I’ve been to ground zero when all hope was gone,
    And through tears, looked down at the candles all around.
    I’ve flown half mass in times of darkness,
    And yet still I stand and won’t stay on the ground.

    And so you burn me, not knowing what I am.
    You think you protest but I gave you that right.
    So continue to kneel, yet as you do, know this…
    That for YOU I will continue to FIGHT.

    ~ The American Flag

    1. 9:04 please, too many crooks and chickenhawks hide their cowardly abuses around the world behind the flag's ample petticoats.
      --Before you try to honor The US Flag, try and kick the crusader chickenhawks and the merchants of death from its shadow, see if they don't try and crucify you...

    2. Do you think US foreign policy still reflects the original values of the stars and stripes? I don't.

  48. There are plenty of Antrax left, it's just that no one sings for you or about you. Those are the rules. Remember El Mayo was bothered with Mayito Gordo about social media and Mayito claimed that Rodrigo was doing it as well and Mr Zambada said you are my son, Rodrigo isn't.

    1. Yea because NOBODY knew El Mayo was a drug lord....

    2. Amao carrillo juentes sent his son to study in foreign schools, he did not want him to become a pinchi drug trafficker or cartel anything, but vicente carrillo Leyva chose his own destiny when he had no more daddy.
      The mayitos chose because their daddy gave them all the money they wanted, except for vicente zambada niebla, he earned his place as a mafioso, y Ora on tรก por andar ahi de caliente.

    3. Because you were there and heard mayo say that ...

  49. Otis your back!! ๐Ÿ˜Œ

  50. Cheyo moved back to pico Rivera he is trying to change his life around.

    Otis welcome back sir๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝ‍♂️

    1. Smart move if true its not worth being in the mafia these days. If he did he knows its over for the sinaloa cartel.

  51. LOL all I see here are a bunch a fucking hating ass dudes... how can anyone possibly know that Chino snitched.. oh wait everyone is a DEA agent now... fucking idiots... we know for sure Vicente snitched but on his rivals.. not his dad or organization... ok back to work hahaha

  52. lacking originality.... Los Zetas gave them the blue print to their organization.


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