How a stronger US dollar turbocharged iron ore

The US dollar's strength has launched countless trades.
The US dollar's strength has launched countless trades. Simon Letch

From New York to Tokyo to Beijing, you can bet one question is popping up again and again: what does a stronger US dollar mean for our investments?

Thanks to its status as the world's reserve currency, a resurgent greenback changes the maths across a range of trades around the world, in ways that are both unexpected and expected. Let's start with one of the less heralded ways the mighty dollar has affected asset prices: one close to all our hearts, the iron ore price.

In recent times the Chinese currency, the yuan, has hit its weakest level against the greenback since 2008.

Since mainland markets reopened on October 10 after the Golden Week holiday, the iron ore spot price has jumped an incredible 37 per cent. It's tough to explain on fundamentals.

The pulse of official Chinese economic stimulus peaked earlier in the year, Goldman Sachs analysts point out, so hopes of a big boost to demand doesn't explain it. On the supply side, inventories are high and building, while ore shipments out of Australia and Brazil are on the rise.

Instead, the Goldies analysts reckon that the yuan's depreciation, and fears of more to come, has been "an important driver" for the steel-making ingredient.

As their currency drops, Chinese investors feel pushed to diversify into US dollar-linked assets. And one way – indeed one of the few ways perhaps due to capital controls as Beijing tries to shield the yuan from more rapid depreciation –they can get that greenback exposure is to buy commodities futures where the underlying assets are priced in US dollars.

The Goldies analysts have seen "rising trading volumes of iron ore futures along with the higher USD/CNY", where a higher USD/CNY exchange indicates a weakening yuan.

You can also see it in the prices. The active Dalian iron ore futures contract has outperformed the physical spot price by 20 percentage points over the past seven weeks, but futures trading has an impact on physical prices.

The Goldman Sachs analysts estimate about 60 per cent of the iron ore price rally in October can be explained by this trade, inspired by a weakening Chinese currency. And it's not over yet.

"With ample onshore money supply chasing a limited menu of accessible dollar-linked assets, continued yuan depreciation means that iron ore prices may stay above what the fundamental demand and supply suggest in coming months," they write.

If Chinese punters are trying to figure out how to evade strengthening US dollar, Japanese investors are embracing it.

Thanks to the Bank of Japan, which has pinned 10-year yields at zero per cent, the Japanese are having their cake and eating it too. They are getting all the boost to their economy with none of the pesky rise in yields and the accompanying currency appreciation.

Since the US election, the yen has plunged 8 per cent. That is way beyond the moves in other major currencies: over the same period the Aussie has dropped 4 per cent versus the buck, and the euro 3 per cent. A basket of Asian exchanges, which excludes Japan, has fallen 2.1 per cent.

Thanks to the heavy emphasis on exporting businesses, a 10 per cent depreciation in the yen translates to a 15 per cent boost to earnings per share (EPS)of Japanese listed companies, Credit Suisse estimates.

The windfall of a weaker yen is not the only upside; the cycle was already turning in favour of Japan. The "new orders" component of purchasing managers index (PMI) surveys have hit a 19-month high, the CS analysts note. Chinese demand looks backed by domestic policies to support the economy, and Trump is promising a big injection of fiscal stimulus that should help buoy not just US but also global economic activity.

The Japanese government has even indicated it might do some more spending of its own – a stimulus which, once again, thanks to BoJ policy would not come with a higher currency.

No surprise, then, that the Nikkei is up by more than 7 per cent since the US election. That combination of stronger growth and weakening currency could make an exposure to Japanese shares a standout performer in 2017. Just make sure you hedge the currency: in Aussie dollar terms it's down 2 per cent.

What about the US itself?

So far the mighty greenback has failed to dent money pouring into US stocks, with much of that money flow coming at the expense of bond funds. But with a rampaging dollar index trading around 13-year highs, many are wondering at what point that loss of international competitiveness will tarnish the pro-growth Trump story.

It's certainly bad news for the US multinationals that dominate the S&P; 500 index. Every 1 per cent appreciation in the greenback drags S&P; 500 aggregate EPS down by 25¢, calculate Citi analysts. Assuming a further 10 per cent currency appreciation, that would slice about 2 per cent off the collective EPS of S&P; 500 companies. The Citi team discounts the declining competitiveness impact on multinationals, citing these companies' global sourcing structures. In other words, their costs as well as their revenues are in depreciating currencies.

Remember, though, that the dollar is likely higher because rates are higher, which produces a double whammy of increasing debt costs. A 1 percentage point increase in rates would knock another $1 off collective EPS, the analysts add. That brings the total hit to earnings to 3 per cent. Still pretty mild.

But the market is betting on more than just a stronger dollar. It is betting on big corporate tax cuts and a lighter regulatory burden. The Citi analysts calculate that cutting the US corporate tax rate to 20 per cent would boost EPS among S&P; 500 companies by $12. Combine all three effects of a higher dollar and rates but lower tax, and earnings climb 7 per cent. This is not a bad scenario for Wall Street. But, timing is everything.

"The timeline is crucial in the sense that higher rates or a stronger dollar may provide headwinds to current business trends before any Trump administration policies get enacted," Citi strategist Tobias Levkovich writes.