Wills, inheritance and other ways to avoid the big family fight

Simon Letch

Heard the story about how a family patriarch suddenly turned "traditional" and wanted to leave his estate to his son, cutting out his two daughters? Or the three siblings with an amicable relationship – until their spouses called into question the division of an estate after the death of a parent? Or the family tipped into fury when one granddaughter took the bulk of her grandmother's jewellery? Start an "inheritance" conversation with any group of people and these sorts of anecdotes are inevitable.

Nobody wants communications between family members to break down. But this is exactly what happens late in life when adult children and elderly parents don't discuss crucial financial and health issues ahead of time.

The best way to reduce family conflict before and beyond the grave is for parents to spell out exactly how they see everything progressing (from their care to their assets), preferably earlier than later.

In most families there are three main steps to reaching this happy place: preparing the family for "the conversation", having it with all stakeholders, and then putting what's agreed into action.

But having the conversation isn't easy. It's rare for most families to be in the same place at the same time, and when they do gather it's usually for personal or seasonal celebrations – which don't naturally lead to discussion of a family member's aging and mortality.

How to prepare

A useful way to start the prep work for the conversation is to frame it in the context of the person's health. With ageing, says Canberra geriatrician Mary Ann Kulh, the functional capacity of a person can diminish as a result of illness or disease. Ageing itself rarely results in functional decline.

"Diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis, dementia, heart failure, etc. lead to disability." she says. "Hence, when addressing a person's functional capacity such as driving, cooking, managing finances, living alone, it is best to relate it to the health conditions affecting it."

Conversations regarding an ageing parent's ability/capacity to drive or look after themselves and what they want after their death can be difficult and confronting. "The traditional role of the parent looking after the welfare of the child is reversed, and most families do not cope with this change in roles," Kulh adds.

Discussion around when someone should give up driving, for example, is one of the hardest conversations many adult children and spouses can have. Hanging up the keys may make good sense but it is one more loss at a time of life when everything can seem as though it's disappearing – independence, health and lifelong friends.

Even worse is adult children having to take the keys away. Threats of striking people out of the will or banning them from the house are not uncommon.

(Of course there has to be a valid will for the threat to have any real weight, which is another discussion family members often avoid, along with how someone wants to be cared for as they age or what they want at their funeral).

To help parents start thinking about the need for a family conversation, Kulh suggests these sorts of prompts:

  • If vision could be deteriorating due to macular degeneration, ask: "Mum/Dad, have you had problems seeing at night?" and encourage them to discuss whether they feel vision is impacting on driving. This could lead to a visit to the optometrist or ophthalmologist for assessment. It may also result in a visit to the GP and having an on-road driving assessment.
  • If there is memory loss as a result of Alzheimer's dementia, the conversation could start with "Mum/Dad, are you having trouble finding things in the house?" or "are you missing appointments?". If the person has insight, they will openly discuss these consequences of memory loss. It could then lead to a discussion about getting an assessment of memory with their GP. It could also open up discussion about important documents including wills, powers of attorney, advanced care plans and where copies of various documents may be kept.
  • When someone lacks insight, be careful of more frustration on the part of the parent and the children. "Mum/Dad, you're taking a lot of medications. Would you like to get a Webster Pak (weekly pill dispenser system) to make this easier?" is a better question than "Mum, you're losing your memory, should you get a Webster Pak?"

Increasing numbers of older people and the prevalence of cognitive decline and dementia mean that the best time to discuss how we want some of life's toughest decisions to play out is when we are in our fifties, says geriatrician and conjoint associate professor at UNSW Tuly Rosenfeld.

It is often at crisis point and when people are much older and with serious cognitive impairment (for example when it is no longer safe to drive or climb a ladder) that crucial financial and other decisions are made.

Cowell Clarke Partner and estate planning specialist Andrew Sinclair advocates for a family meeting with an independent and commercially astute professional as a starting point for discussions around crucial financial and estate planning matters.

Conversations at that meeting may lead to further meetings with individual family members – particularly where there are blended families or siblings who don't get on. But it all helps to get any issues out in the open and avoid conflict and unnecessary expense later, he says.

"A lot of money can be lost from an estate to advisers if wills are not properly thought through," says Sinclair.

Psychologist and co-founder of The Groundswell Project, Kerrie Noonan says part of the reason that so few people share their wishes and plan their final days or their funeral is the belief that death is always a sudden event.

But according to the Grattan Institute's Dying Well study, 70 per cent of people know when they are likely to die in the relatively near future due to chronic diseases and disabilities at the end of their lives.

"Spelling out exactly how we want things to happen helps to ensure we have the emotional capacity to grieve when we need to, rather than think about all the things we should have been discussing long before," says Noonan.

What to ask

In getting the family to agree to meet, remember it might need to be a whole day event (no alcohol) and someone will need to take notes. Think about what information needs to be shared, because it may require research beforehand.

The following questions, suggests financial planner Suzanne Haddan of BFG Financial Services, could act as a guide:

  • Care: how long do you want to stay at home? If you can't look after yourself, would you want to move to an aged care facility or would you rather pay for in-home care? (Remember you'll need to roughly price these options before the conversation.) For your parents to get a government subsidy for the care, they will need to be assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT).
  • Power of attorney: who do you want to appoint? Who is the best person to do it (in terms of capability and time), and is the rest of the family happy with this? What are the options if they are not?
  • Will and estate: do you have a will? When was it last updated? How do you want the assets to be split – for example, an even split between the adult children or perhaps skipping a generation to the grandchildren? Ask them for their rationale so you're able to carry out their wishes and any disagreements can be worked out earlier. Do they want certain items to be bequeathed to certain people? Have they recorded account numbers for bank accounts and super funds? And are their capital gains tax records up to date?
  • Super: this does not form part of the estate so you'll need to ask if they've made an appropriate nomination – for example, a binding, reversionary (in the case of the pension) or preferred beneficiary.
  • Death: would you rather be buried or cremated? What kind of service would you like?

Follow up steps

Once you've had the conversation, it's time to think about formalising what the family wants. There are five key documents that will cover all your bases.

  • Advance care plan: this helps parents make plans for future medical treatment and care needs. Just the process of completing an advance care directive enables them to reflect on what is important to them, their beliefs and values. Depending on the state or territory, it may be a health care directive or the appointment of an enduring guardian. Once completed, it explains how they want to be cared for and what type of medical treatment they want if they reach a point where they cannot communicate decisions about their medical care. Because it can be updated at any of time, they can stay involved in their medical decisions, whether healthy or ill as long as they have capacity. Psychologist Noonan says she has seen families torn apart when the time comes to step up and make decisions about someone's ongoing care. "It is important to have the conversation about what you want to happen if you do lose capacity and that you appoint the right person to make decisions for you," she adds. "For the person thrust into the situation of making a difficult decision, like whether to put someone into care, it is much easier if they have a real conversation to draw on."
  • Enduring power of attorney: this is a legal document covering management of your financial affairs if you are incapacitated. It comes into effect before death and therefore before the will comes into play. It is critical to appoint attorneys who are trustworthy and respectful of your wishes, says wills and estate law specialist with DDCS Lawyers Rebecca Tetlow. "Sadly, a number of disputes arise after death about how an attorney managed the principal's money," she explains. Estate planning specialist Sinclair warns that another potential area of conflict can arise when a child, who has power of attorney and also stands to benefit from a large estate, is faced with a decision over a costly medical treatment for a very sick elderly parent. "It's important to remember that the child in this case must always act in the interests of the parent," he adds.
  • A will: a professionally prepared will is the centrepiece of effective estate planning, but in many cases there either isn't one or it's out of date. Tetlow says while you don't have to tell people or your executor what is in your will, there can be some wisdom in doing so in the right circumstances. Sharing why a will has been written in a certain way or why someone has been chosen to act as an executor or an attorney helps manage expectations and avoid conflict, she adds. Where there are blended families and a testator wants to make sure the new partner is looked after while balancing the needs of children from an earlier relationship, how they arrived at the decision can go a long way to reduce suspicion or mistrust, says Tetlow. Similarly, if there is one child with greater needs than another, a parent who allocates a greater share of an estate to one child may want to explain their reasons.
  • Expression of wishes: this can be as formal or informal as you like. It is complementary to a will and can include a broader range of directions around issues including funeral planning, outstanding family or business loans and details for trusted advisers of the deceased to assist in executing the estate. If there are certain paintings or documents that you want to go to someone, this could be where the instructions are. There could also be a list of important passwords that give access to other information. "The expression of wishes should be something that eases the burden for everyone," says Sinclair.
  • Superannuation directives: given the significant proportion that superannuation can amount to, it is a key consideration for a testator. "As superannuation falls outside the will, binding death benefit nominations and consideration around the control of super entitlements need to be addressed," says Sinclair.

Bina Brown is a director of aged care solutions company Third Age Matters

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