Digging deeper: how mining companies approach Africa after Rio's Simandou revelations

Rio Tinto's Simandou scandal has Africa-focused miners alert to risks of bribery and corruption.
Rio Tinto's Simandou scandal has Africa-focused miners alert to risks of bribery and corruption.

As he was preparing to take the helm of iron ore hopeful Equatorial Resources in 2010, John Welborn sought advice from an experienced comrade about overseeing a mining project in the Congo.

The guidance he received was simple: Reconsider and, failing that, have a strategy for handling violent stomach bugs.

But a far greater threat lurks behind the lure of Africa's riches – corruption and bribery – and in recent weeks it emerged it has ensnared a mining titan, Rio Tinto.

The Rio Tinto scandal is over $US10.5 billion of payments made in 2011 to a French contractor as part of Rio's efforts to secure the Simandou project in Guinea. It has claimed the scalps of two members of Rio's executive committee and dragged in two former chief executives.

Combined with allegations Perth-based iron ore hopeful Sundance Resources gave the President of the Republic of Congo shares in the company in return for mining licences, a bright spotlight has been turned on the risks facing the roughly 200 Australian companies that have invested in African resources projects.

Inappropriate behaviour

Welborn is now chief executive of gold miner Resolute Mining, which has more than 20 years history of mining in Africa and currently operates the Syama mine in Mali and the Bibiani development project in Ghana.

Since ignoring his friend's advice six years ago, Welborn says he has learnt operating in Africa requires a "very strong ethical and compliance focus".

"I just come back to the fact there is a sustainable business model and you have to hold firm to that because it is the best outcome, even though it may not be the easy short-term solution," he says.

"But I have been really surprised by the fact people will run into me in airports, lobbies or mining conferences and talk to me quite openly about a problem they have, and actually reveal they are solving it in a way that is, if not illegal, inappropriate in that sort of complicit 'Well we all know what we are in here' way.

"I am amazed people don't recognise the issues."

McGrathNicol partner Matt Fehon, who specialises in forensic and regulatory investigations, says Africa was a high-risk jurisdiction for organisations new to the region or without executives with direct African experience.

"Individuals or companies that aren't au fait with what may be considered 'general requests' that they will be asked to consider – either by way of a payment of a fee to secure a contract, a sponsorship or to support government officials or their family on education and conferences – they are an easy touch and you will have officials who will seek them out," Fehon says.

Deep due diligence

At the centre of a lot of companies' troubles are partnership problems and Fehon says it is integral deep due diligence was conducted before deals were agreed.

"It may be individuals or in an acquisition, a farm-in or a joint venture [but] it is important to understand who the business partner is and therefore it needs appropriate due diligence, firstly from a financial perspective but importantly from an integrity perspective," he said.

"Should there be any questions that emerge from that work, don't baulk at passing up the deal."

It is something echoed by Jim Walker, the chairman of contractor Macmahon Holdings which is in the process of withdrawing from Nigeria after some of its people were kidnapped there earlier this year.

"We worked very closely with DFAT and also did our own internal investigations on security and made a judgment [on withdrawing] from there," Walker says.

"One of the big things for me personally was if it was my son or daughter, would I want them working in there? We have pulled out of Nigeria and we won't go back in there but there are other places in Africa where security is OK and we would work there. But from our point of a view, it is also a lot about who you are working with."

Zero tolerance approach

BHP Billiton spin-off South32 has one of the largest Australian presences in African mining, with manganese, aluminium and coal operations in South Africa as well as aluminium in Mozambique.

A spokesman for South32 said its African operations were a significant contributor to the company's performance and it would continue to identify and pursue growth opportunities in South Africa.

South32 has an anti-corruption compliance framework which reinforces its "zero tolerance approach" and ensures compliance with all applicable anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws, the spokesman said.

And there are plenty who argue the risks are overblown. Veteran explorer Miles Kennedy, who chairs Angola-focused Lucapa Diamond Company, said he has never had an issue in the southern African country.

"I can say that having been in Angola now since 2008, and indeed before that, neither I nor any of our people have ever once been approached to pay any bribe in order to achieve a result," Kennedy says.

"We are of course slugged for all sorts of government fees and charges along the way, but that is no different to being in Western Australia."