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Graham Witcomb Answered by Graham Witcomb 13h ago

Investing for 100 years


I was contemplating the adage that it is "time in the market rather than timing the market" and those 100 year charts comparing different asset classes. If I picked 10 stocks today and kept them for 100 years, how would my chart look? How many of those companies would still exist at the end or do I need to put that money in a managed fund to end up better matching the 100 year chart?

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James Carlisle Answered by James Carlisle 3d ago

Top 5 special report


Hi Team, Was just wondering when you expect to release the next 'top 5 buys' report? Have recently received a nice bonus and for the first time don't have credit card debt so I can afford to invest in equities! Cheers Sam

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James Carlisle Answered by James Carlisle 3d ago

Video intro


I don’t like the pretty intro to your latest video. It just does not feel right for Intelligent Investor; looks cheap and commercial try hard. I’m still very nervous about the InvestSmart takeover and I don’t like seeing the three brands trying to speak as one team. It’s confusing and messy. It makes me feel like Intelligent Investor is being watered down and that it’s loosing it’s unique identity and strength. You're falling into the same old trap that all takeovers fall into… destroying brand value.

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Alex Hughes Answered by Alex Hughes 3d ago



Is there a plan to issue a research article on Bravura? Thanks

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James Greenhalgh Answered by James Greenhalgh 4d ago

iCar Asia share price


I see ICQ is off its lows .. is it time to buy a bit more?

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James Greenhalgh Answered by James Greenhalgh 4d ago

Boral has been a chronic underperformer


Do you have any information on Boral (BLD)?

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Gaurav Sodhi Answered by Gaurav Sodhi 5d ago

Short-term impact of commodity prices


Despite its impeccable considered value investing approach, II's recommendations on certain stocks are often let down by the fluctuations in commodity prices. Recent experiences include Origin and Santos (gas), Rio (iron ore) and Qantas (oil) come to mind. Given the short to medium term success of many of these recommendations is beholden to the price commanded for commodities, I challenge II to develop an in-article mechanism that : a) dynamically factors in the current commodity price as a "floating variable" on the buy/sell price and/or b) allows subscribers to edit assumptions around current and future prices to "auto-update" the buy/sell values.

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Andrew Legget Answered by Andrew Legget 6d ago

Robin Hood


Has anyone in the II team heard of Robinhood which offers zero commision share trading? Robinhood had a successful launch in the US market and is now heading down under for which I am excited about. https://robinhood.com/au/ Although I am not interested in short-term 'make a quick buck' trading and understand the fundamental benefits of long-term stock investing, as a small investor I still feel the sting of having to pay brokerage fees via the bank where I do my stock transactions directly. I don't have a huge fund and as I'm not an institution, my buy transactions for my portfolio are small. If you dig in, you'll find that Robinhood intends (or already is - successfully or not is yet to be determined at this point in it's short history) to make money via margin loans. Can you invisage any disruption Robinhood can bring to the Australian market, even if it may be relatively small impact to banks, online brokers, is there any chance that can flow on to others in the food chain e.g. ASX, etc? On the flip side, could there be Australian companies that would benefit from such disruption? Thanks in advance.

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Andrew Legget Answered by Andrew Legget 6d ago

Margin loans


I'm relatively new to investing, in my early 30's and am in the highest income tax bracket. I have sufficient cash to build a portfolio of stocks, but I am wondering if a margin loan of a similar value would be a better option to start a portfolio while minimizing tax at the same time. Considering my age and my goal to grow wealth, is this too risky?

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Alex Hughes Answered by Alex Hughes 1w ago

Vita Group


Hi guys, I am a shareholder in Vita Group. I am concerned as their share price has recently taken a hammering. They have not reported any negative news that I am aware of, am I missing something?

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