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86-Year-Old Teaches Himself To Knit To Make Tiny Caps For Preemies

Texas Diner Tips Waiter $750 So He Can Fly Home To Ireland

This List Of Beautiful Things That Happened In 2016 Is What We Need Now

Firefighters Surprise Girl Who Lost Her Beloved Minnie Mouse Chair In A Fire

Texas Cops Spread Holiday Cheer By Handing Out Turkeys Instead Of Tickets

Michigan Students Create 'Pass On The Positivity' Project To Spread Love

Grandma Texts Wrong Teen About Thanksgiving, Invites Him Anyway

Mom Receives Hundreds Of Orders For Her 'Make America Kind Again' Signs

7-Year-Old Battling Cancer Asks For The World One Simple Thing

Here's How You Can Help Homeless Vets This Veterans Day

Here's Ellen With A Much-Needed Message Of Unity After The Election

Cat Rescued After Spending 7 Hours Trapped Inside Underground Pipe

5 Faces That Give An Inside Look At Caregiving In America Today

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7 Ways To Show Real Support To Friends And Family Battling Health Issues