
'It's a joke!': Commuters unhappy after 5 per cent Myki price hike

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Commuters on social media have reacted unhappily to a Myki price rise that will see two-hour trips cost more than $4.

A full day riding Melbourne's trains, trams and buses will cost more than $8 in 2017, with fares to go up by 5 per cent from New Year's Day.

The hike for public transport tickets comes a day after it was revealed that Victorian energy bills could surge by as much as 10 per cent next year.

Some public transport users have expressed their frustrations at the government for the price rise, which is well above inflation. 

While, others said the rise left commuters with little options. 


 Another commuter said on Facebook he wouldn't mind the price rise had transport still been owned by the government. 

But some people thought that the price was still reasonable, especially when compared to other cities. 

Some predicted the rise will lead to people abandoning public transport in favour of cars. Others said it would lead to more fare evasion. 
One commentator on Facebook asked when would his pay go up? Another blamed fare evaders for the surge in price.
Some commuters suggested walking away from public transport and hopping on their bikes. 
A Twitter user said the fare rise should also lead to improvements in the services. 