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The White House
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The White House's posts

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In which President Obama shares with Ingrid Nilsen the stories of the things he carries with him that remind him of the people he's met: #YouTubeAsksObama

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Watch President Obama and Smarter Every Day's Destin Sandlin talk about exploring space, and how we're science-ing the heck out of things: #YouTubeAsksObama

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President Obama answers a question from SWooZie about what we're doing to strengthen trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve: #YouTubeAsksObama

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You asked +YouTube, and now YouTube is going to ask President Obama. Tune in at 2:15pm ET as +YouTube Creators Destin Sandlin, SWooZie, and Ingrid Nilsen ask President Obama your questions on his final State of the Union: #YouTubeAsksObama

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Join us here on Thursday, December 3 at 2pm ET for the White House LGBTQ Tech & Innovation Summit Demo. In August of this year, the White House hosted the second annual LGBTQ Tech & Innovation Summit, which brought together over 170 LGBTQ-identified coders, designers, and tech community organizers from across the country to address some of the nation’s toughest challenges using technology solutions. Since the Summit, teams have been working on issues around criminal justice reform, transgender inclusivity, climate, and employment diversity, and on Thursday will present what innovative solutions they’ve created.

The live discussion will be moderated by Megan Smith, the U.S. Chief Technology Officer. Special guests will include:
Courtney Wilburn, Developer, O3world 
Cynthia Yeung, Director of Product Partnerships and Operations, CheckMate
Angelica Ross , CEO, TransTech Social Enterprises
Nikki Murray, Software Engineer, Social Driver
Kendra Clarke, Director of Data Science and Analytics, iCrossing
#TransNeeds  Team

Got comments or questions? Ask them using the hashtag #WHLGBTQTech on Twitter and on Google+, and we'll answer some of them during the live Hangout.

Find out more and watch live at

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It's an important day in American history (or, at least, in American cinematic history): It's the date to which Marty McFly traveled into the "future" in Back to the Future Part II.

We've come a long way in the 30 years that have passed since the original Back to the Future came out. Now, we're going to talk about where we're going in the next 30. 

All day long, we're hosting a series of conversations with scientists and innovators across the government and the country. You'll be able to ask them questions, watch videos explaining their cutting-edge developments, and share your answer to the question above: What does 2045 look like?


At 9:30am ET, we're holding a  Google+ Hangout on time travel featuring:
-OSTP Deputy Director for Technology and Innovation Tom Kalil
-Professor Tim Ralph of the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia
-Mr. Martin Ringbauer, a PhD student at the University of Queensland

Tune in to watch right here on Google+ or at 

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It's an important day in American history (or, at least, in American cinematic history): It's the date to which Marty McFly traveled into the "future" in Back to the Future Part II.

We've come a long way in the 30 years that have passed since the original Back to the Future came out. Now, we're going to talk about where we're going in the next 30. 

All day long, we're hosting a series of conversations with scientists and innovators across the government and the country. You'll be able to ask them questions, watch videos explaining their cutting-edge developments, and share your answer to the question above: What does 2045 look like?


At 1:00pm ET, we're holding a  Google+ Hangout on understanding the human brain featuring:
-OSTP Assistant Director for Neuroscience and Mental Health Monica Basco
-OSTP Senior Policy Advisor Knatokie Ford
-OSTP Assistant Director for Defense Programs (and Neurophysicist) Chris Fall
-Karl Deisseroth M.D., Ph.D., the D.H. Professor of Bioengineering and of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University
-Kevin Pearce, Snowboarder and BRAIN initiative activist
-Dr. Julie Brefczynksi-Lewis, Research Assistant Professor at the West Virginia University School of Medicine

Tune in to watch right here on Google+ or at 

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Join us here on Thursday, October 15 at 3:00 pm ET for "Somos Geeks: Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month." Some of the Nation’s Hispanic STEM innovators and STEM-education advocates will share their inspiring personal stories and thoughts on how we can all step up to help strengthen America’s STEM-skilled workforce by making it broader and more diverse. 

The live discussion will be moderated by Knatokie Ford, Senior Policy Advisor at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Special guests will include:
Serena Auñón, Astronaut, NASA Johnson Space Center
Idaykis Rodriguez, Postdoctoral Researcher, Physics Education Research Group, Florida International University
Jessica Santana, Co-founder, New York on Tech
Oscar Vazquez, First Line Supervisor--Locomotive Repair Foreman, BNSF Railroad

Got comments or questions? Ask them using the hashtag #WeTheGeeks on Twitter and on Google+, and we'll answer some of them during the live Hangout. 

Find out more and watch live at

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"That's the promise of tomorrow—that in the face of impossible odds, people who love their country can change it. That when millions of Americans of every race and every region, every faith and every station, can join together in a spirit of brotherhood, then those mountains will be made low, and those rough places will be made plain, and those crooked places, they straighten out towards grace, and we will vindicate the faith of those who sacrificed so much and live up to the true meaning of our creed, as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."  —President Obama two years ago today celebrating a half-century since the March on Washington. To mark the 52nd anniversary, read the President's remarks on a half-century of progress on civil rights and the work still ahead:

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Before and after: Tell your story or share a photo showing how the federal government is partnering with your community to create change → #OpenData
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