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Shared Parenting Survey

Ireland’s first National Shared Parenting Survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who responded.

The results will be collated in the weeks ahead and launched early next year.




askonefamily is One Family’s helpline offering information and listening support for men and women parenting alone, sharing parenting or separating. It is also available to extended family, friends or professionals. Call askonefamily on 1890 66 22 12 or 01 662 9212, from Monday to Friday between 10am – 2pm.


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Budget 2017

One Family’ Pre-Budget Submission for Budget 2017 is titled End Child Poverty, Make Work Pay. Government must invest in services and set targeted income supports for one-parent families.

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One Family Video

Watch our new video to hear ten years old Dani talk about the work we did in 2015 and the situations for one-parent families in Ireland today, and also our plans for the years ahead.

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Parenting Tips | Helping children to cope with bumps and bruises

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Policy | Families and Societies in Europe

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Press Release | On Universal Children’s Day we ask: What is being done to lift Ireland’s poorest children out of poverty?

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Ezine Sign Up

Sign up for ezine

Our free monthly ezine is packed full of news for members of one-parent families, those who have experienced separation, and people sharing parenting; as well policy makers and people working in the sector.

Family Day

Family Day

One Family is the founder of the Family Day Festival, the largest celebration of the diversity of families in Ireland today with 6,000 attending in 2016. Join in the fun and celebrate all families!

Single Issue

Single Issue

'Single Issue', the memoir of our founder Maura O'Dea Richards (Poolbeg Press), is available as an e-Book for just €5. It is a moving, funny and fascinating read. Please support our work by purchasing a copy today.

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