Digital Innovation Services

This is a Digital Innovation execution.


Superhero execution on homepage.

SuperHero is a high-impact and high-reach, polite loading custom ad placement available on Fairfax’s NEWS mastheads’ homepages (,, and as well as on arching side to side between the homepage’s video-tab-bar and content pane. It may contain auto-play video (with sound off by default), forms, games etc. Please speak to your account manager to discuss customisation options. As a premium product, this execution is packaged with the top position Medium Rectangle.


  • Superhero is present on the homepage all day
  • Frequency Capping
    • Animated version is frequency capped at 3 impressions / UB / day
    • The user is presented with the static version on the fourth and all consecutive impressions
    • Exception is if the user previously collapsed the ad, then re-expands it – this will load the animated version of the creative

The Fairfax Superhero unit can accommodate the Youtube Homepage Masthead Unit dimensions. All other specifications must be as specified above.


Dimensions and Specifications

(W X H)
File SizeFile FormatNotes
Initial Phase940x250px100KBHTML5, GIF, JPG, PNG

  • 3rd party redirect tag serving animated content AND

  • static image of the animated content
    (delivered directly as a hard file)
  • Animated

  • no looping

  • maximum 10 seconds duration

  • optional replay button

  • Capped at 3 impressions / UB / day (by Fairfax)
Static Phase940x250px100KBHTML5, GIF, JPG, PNG

  • 3rd party redirect tag serving animated content AND

  • static image of the first frame of the animation
    (delivered directly as a hard file)
No animation. Can be interactive but on user initiation only.
Retracted phase940x45px40KB
  • 3rd party redirect tag serving predominantly static image AND / OR

  • static image
Very subtle animation only. Click through call-to-action only. No ‘expansion’ call-to-actions.


Fairfax’s Technical Operation team assembles the final execution from the following components:

  • 3x 3rd party redirect tags
  • 3x image files showing the first frame of the animations

Please note that collapse / expand functionality is handled by Fairfax’s internal framework, hence no such controls are required, nor should these be implemented on the creative.

Where can this run?

View the “Fairfax Ad Product Site Matrix” to see what sites this product can run.

Lead Times

TIER 1 Custom executions, bespoke solutions and where advised: 10 business days lead time or longer.

Your Fairfax Account Manager will advise you about creative lead times at the time of signing your booking. Creative produced by Fairfax’s creative team may incur production costs and requires approval by Digital Innovation Services (DIS) prior to an Insertion Order (IO) being signed. DIS will advise of production costs, asset delivery lead times on a case by case basis.

Revision: 7.00

Fairfax reserves the right to change the specifications without notice at any time!


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