A derivative of the web-based Masthead Integration, the Email Masthead Integration is an innovative sponsorship opportunity across a wide range of Fairfax's popular email newsletters.

Dimensions and Specifications

Component Specification
Logo Dimensions100(w) X 55(h) pixels
Logo File size5KB
Header Image Dimensions445(w) X 100(h) pixels
Header File size25KB
Gutter Image Dimension65(w) X 800(h) pixels on each side
Gutter Image File Size25KB
File Formatstatic GIF, JPG, PNG
Accompanying ad formatStandard Medium Rectangle as specified in Standard Ads section


  1. Masthead integration (static GIF image)
  2. Left-hand skin (static GIF image, LHS to fade into solid white [HEX #FFFFFF]
  3. Right-hand skin (static GIF image, RHS to fade into solid white [HEX #FFFFFF]
  4. Standard Medium Rectangle (300×250 static image)

Lead Times

Your Fairfax Account Manager will advise you about creative lead times at the time of signing your booking.

Revision: 7.00

Fairfax reserves the right to change the specifications without notice at any time!


Get in touch with us

Advertising Sales Enquiries
Email Advertising Sales Enquiries
Creative Support
Advertising Operations
Email Creative Support