That's what we're asking our readers to do in these perilous times. As the War Party drums up another wave of war hysteria – against Russia, against Iran, against anyone who defies the Washington's will – and the voices of reason are few and muted, now is the time to stand up and support

They have the "mainstream" media, the radio-screamers, and the multi-millions of the military-industrial complex on their side. On the other side of the barricades, we have only our readers to give us the support we need to continue our fight.

A small group of them have banded together and raised $29,000 for our cause – but only if we can match those funds with your contributions.

Will you rise to the challenge?

These are the times when our principles are tested, and those who claim the mantle of peace are sorely tried. While some take the easy way out and go with the flow, we are swimming against the current – but we can't do it without your support.

Please make your tax-deductible contribution today –
because today it matters more than ever.
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Updated December 3, 2016 - 12:21 AM EST
Trump Calls Taiwan President, Upsets 'Status Quo'
House OKs Massive Pentagon Spending Bill
  Officials: Littoral Combat Ship Project 'Broke the Navy'
Iraq Struggles With ISIS Oil Fires
  Iraqi Troops Spray Shi'ite Graffiti in Mosul
Heavy Clashes Among Militias in Libya's Tripoli
Europol: Dozens of ISIS May Be in Europe
Afghan Police: Taliban Kill 23 Civilians in Revenge Attack
Iran: US Extension of Sanctions Act Violates Nuclear Deal
Senate Passes Bill Targeting Students Who Criticize Israel
New SecDef Says Israeli Occupation Is Apartheid – Will the Lobby Blackballing Fail?  by Juan Cole
The Orwellian War on Skepticism  by Robert Parry
The Arabs Did It
 by Uri Avnery
US Nation-Building in South Sudan: A Policy of Ignorant Arrogance  by Bruce Fein

More Viewpoints

Counterpunch Responds to WaPo's Shallow Smear
WikiLeaks Publishes Docs on Inquiry Into German Cooperation With NSA
UN Rep Found Evidence of Torture in Turkish Prisons
Denmark to Pull Jets From Syria and Iraq
The War at Home
Bergdahl Asks Obama for Pardon
Most Democrats Consider Israel Is 'A Burden' on US, Has Too Much Influence on Policy, Poll Claims
Internet Archive Successfully Fends Off Secret FBI Order
Did the Navy Steal the Design for One of Its New Littoral Combat Ships?
Canadian Journalist's Detention at US Border Raises Press Freedom Alarms
Former Navy Official Gets 6 Years in Prison for Taking $350,000 in Bribes From 'Fat Leonard'
US Presidential Commission Issues Recommendations on Cyber Security
Calls for Ceasefire, Massive Displacement in Syria's Aleppo
Syrian Rebels and Families Leave Another Town Near Damascus
UN States Seeking Resolution to Demand End to Fighting in Syria
Russia Not Serious in Talks With Syrian Rebels: Opposition Official
Dodging Death in East Aleppo as a Journalist
Three Turkish Soldiers Killed After Clashes With Militants
Turkey Prosecutor Calls to Drop Gaza Flotilla Case Against Israelis
Erdogan Urges Turks to Convert Foreign Currency to Lira
UN Calls on Israel to Leave Golan, Israel Prepares Fight at UNSC
The Submarine Affair Gets Complicated: How Israeli Funds May Reach Iran
Gaza Gets Economic Boost as Coca-Cola Opens $20 Million Bottling Plant
Netanyahu, Lapid Neck-In-Neck in Latest Election Poll, Zionist Union Shrinks Dramatically
One Dead in Peru After Angry Mob Tries to Lynch Pollsters
Weekend Reviews
The Man Who Saved Budapest's Jews
What Makes Israeli Apartheid 'Special'?
A New Documentary Explores the Devastating Effects of Drone Warfare on Victims and Whistleblowers
192 Killed in Iraq; Explosion at ISIS Storage Facility Kills Dozens
Iraqi Troops Bring to 23 Districts Retaken in Mosul
Iraqi Commanders Examined Strategy Shift to Avert Mosul War of Attrition
Afghan Security Crisis Sets Stage for Terrorists' Resurgence
He Was a Senior Afghan Government Official. Except He Wasn't.
Trump Invites Philippines' Duterte to Visit White House After 'Animated' Phone Call
China Rescues Filipinos Near Disputed South China Sea Shoal
US Warns China It Will Target Firms for Illicit North Korea Business
Hong Kong Officials Widen Legal Attack on City's Democrats Over Oath-Taking
Russia Accuses Ukraine of Sabotaging Trump
Putin Warns Artists Against 'Dangerous Behavior'
Iceland's Pirate Party Invited to Form Government
Six Bosnian Serbs Indicted Over Srebrenica Killings
UN Appeals for Calm After Fighting in Libya Capital
Women Bombers Emerge From ISIS Redoubt to Attack Libyan Forces
Egypt Is Giant Prison, Activists Banned From Travel Say
Iran Urges Kenya to Free Two Iranians Facing Terrorism Charges: Tasnim
Nigerian Court Rules Security Agency Should Release Shi'ite Leader
Gambia's Jammeh Loses to Adama Barrow in Shock Election Result
Angola's Longtime President Dos Santos to Stand Down in 2017
Americans Still Dying
Navy Chief From Virginia, Killed on Thanksgiving Day, Was First American To Die in Syria
Read more

Justin Raimondo
A World to Win

Ivan Eland
Presidential War Is Unconstitutional

Lucy Steigerwald
To-Do List for a Trump Presidency

Ran HaCohen
Peres' Disputed Funeral

Sheldon Richman
Shimon Peres and the 9/11 Attacks

Dan Sanchez
Do Orcs Love Their Children Too?

Nebojsa Malic
Biden in Belgrade: A Trip Down NATO-Invasion Memory Lane

David R. Henderson
Questioning the Powerful

Additional Contributors
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without written permission is strictly prohibited.
Copyright 2016