wayne price

Is Trumpism Fascism?

  • Posted on: 9 October 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Anarkismo - by Wayne Price drwdpric@aol.com

Summary: Donald Trump and those who follow him have shown certain specific traits of a fascist movement. Does that make Trump or the Trumpets into fascists? What is fascism? How is it counterposed to bourgeois democracy? Is there likely to be a fascist movement in the U.S.A.? How do we fight fascism?

Are Anarchism and Democracy Opposed? A Response to Crimethinc

  • Posted on: 15 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Summary: Crimethinc has initiated a discussion about the relationship between anarchism and democracy. Their opinion is that anarchism must be opposed to democracy—not only to bourgeois representative democracy but also to direct, participatory, libertarian-socialist, democracy. I argue, instead, that there is a struggle over the meaning of “democracy,” and that anarchism can and should be interpreted as the most radical, decentralized, and participatory extension of democracy.

Are Anarchism and Democracy Opposed? A Response to Crimethinc
by Wayne Price

A New Vision or a New Reformism?

  • Posted on: 24 April 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Anarkismo by Wayne Price

workers' democracy from the perspective of revolutionary eco-anarchism

There is a new approach on the U.S. Left, which rejects both capitalism and state socialism. In several ways it resembles anarchism. It has been promoted by The Next System Project, and has been critiqued recently by Sam Gindin--who makes some insightful comments, but also demonstrates limitations.

The Attempted “Rehabilitation” of the Communist Party USA

  • Posted on: 3 March 2016
  • By: rocinante

From Anarkismo By Wayne Price

An Anarchist Perspective on the History of US Communism

"In recent decades, there have been efforts to "rehabilitate" the U.S. Communist Party as an historical model for the Left. Anti-authoritarian socialists and anarchists find this troubling. Whle the CP did some good things it also did some very bad things. A brief summary of its history demonstrates that and explains why this is."

Eco-Socialism and Decentralism

  • Posted on: 12 January 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Anarkismo - by Wayne Price

Theorists of the climate-justice movement have been raising decentralist ideas as part of their programs for an ecologically-balanced society. This ecological program means more local democracy, workers’ management of industry, consumer coops, and federations of radically-democratic institutions. Such ideas revive the decentralist ideas of anarchism.

Comment on the Accusations against Michael Schmidt

  • Posted on: 30 December 2015
  • By: rocinante

From Anarkismo by Wayne Price

Response to Charges that He is a Fascist as Well as an Anarchist

For months there has been a heated discussion over charges that Michael Schmidt, author of well-known books about anarchism, is actually a fascist and "white nationalist." Now that the main statements are out on both sides, I have been waiting for an evaluation by some panel of reputable anarchist activists and theorists. As this has not happened, I am publishing my own conclusions.

In Defense of the Anarchist Use of Marx’s Economic Theory

  • Posted on: 29 August 2015
  • By: rocinante

From Anarkismo by Wayne Price

World capitalism is faced with deep and lengthy problems—economic stagnation and inequality, endless wars, and ecological catastrophe, not to mention oppressions involving gender, race, nationality, sexual orientation, and so on. In response, many radicals have shown interest in Karl Marx’s economic analysis of capitalism. This includes anarchists who are looking for a theoretical basis for their opposition to the system, even while they reject the authoritarianism of the Marxist movement and the (past and present) Marxist states. In various writings, I have been among those trying to speak to this interest.

The Meaning of World War II—An Anarchist View

  • Posted on: 12 June 2015
  • By: rocinante

It is now 70 years since the end of the Second World War (1939—1945). It is often referred to as the “Good War” or even the “Last Good War.” The U.S. soldiers who fought it have been called the “Greatest Generation.” Since wars are best seen as evils unless proven otherwise, it is worth asking why World War II has such a good reputation, and whether it deserves it.
