
Mexico: The Infiltration of CISEN in Anarchist Circles

  • Posted on: 3 November 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Contra Info & IGD. Translated by FW Villa

Some context

In the past few days various media outlets have published articles concerning “violent groups” in the Mexican territory.

These articles are a result of the Attorney General of Mexico (PGR) publicly revealing the names of groups that threaten social stability; these groups are anarchists, communists, radical ecology groups, eco-extremists, or groups of other political alignments.

TFSRadio: Cruz Negra Anarquista (Mexico City) on the situations in Mexico

  • Posted on: 31 October 2016
  • By: Bursts

Airs on WSFM-LP 103.3 in Asheville / streaming at AshevilleFM from 3am EST on October 30th, 2016, through November, 6th podcasting at Also airing this week on KOWA-LPFM in Olympia, WA, KWTF in Bodega Bay, CA, and WCRS-LP Columbus Community Radio 98.3 and 102.1 FM.

Mexico: Between an institutional crisis and self-management efforts

  • Posted on: 2 October 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Theory Without Borders

We publish the interview of our two colleagues from the Mexican Anarchist Federation, done on August 2016, covering the volatile situation of the country. Evidently, this interview isn’t a thorough report of the complex situation of Mexico, but the main points of these last years are confronted and tackled through an anarchist perspective: structural reforms (particularly in education), the issue of land distribution, drug trade, the indigenous community and gender violence.

Fernando Bárcenas, Mexican Anarchist Prisoner, Calls for Solidarity with US Prison Strike (Mexico)

  • Posted on: 4 September 2016
  • By: thecollective

Via Actforfree via

Open letter to compañerxs.

Note: The use of the word prison in this text refers to all artificial environments that domesticate us so as to insert us by force into the capitalist system of production; this is a contribution to deepen the reflection of all living beings in the hands of economic powers and the technological project…

Compas, I greet you with insurrectionary love, that these words of war may reach you; greeting as well the coming days of insurrection, as ideas bloom in the fields like flowers we should not stop tending. We do not know if there will be a victory, but what we do know is that they will not occupy our dreams and our lives…

The only truly free moment is when we fight for freedom, because we prefer to die rather than accept this way of life, and without realizing it we are already free, because nothing occupies our minds except the sole desire to set fire to reality…

Community radio journalist and activist killed by police in Oaxaca

  • Posted on: 28 June 2016
  • By: thecollective

From El Enemigo Común (June 26th, 2016)

HUAJUAPAN DE LEÓN- Salvador Olmo García, a 27-year old vendor, community journalist, activist, defender of lands, vocalist and pioneer of the anarko-punk movement in Huajuapan, was found seriously injured this Sunday morning in the Las Huertas neighborhood of the city.

Wild Reaction responds to “Destruye las prisiones”

  • Posted on: 11 May 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

The following article is an English translation of a text by Reacción Salvaje [Wild Reaction] from February 26, 2015 and constitutes an important contribution with regards to the development and positioning of the eco-extremist tendency. Those interested in analyzing and criticizing this tendency would be well-advised to read it.
