
ISIS murders 140 in Paris - The route to freedom lies through love and solidarity

  • Posted on: 14 November 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Anarkismo

On October 16th ISIS suicide bombers attacked a pro-Kurdish peace rally in Ankara, killing 102 people. Although the bombers were from ISIS many understood that this bombing and the earlier Suruc bombing which killed 33 was accomplished with the aid of the Turkish state. ( ) The October bombing was seen as part of the process of deliberate polarisation of the AKP government enabling them to once more win a majority in the parliament. Between the Suruc and Ankar bombings the US military had done a deal with Turkey where in return for the use of a major airbase they would turn a blind eye to Turkish airforce attacks on Kurdish forces fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria. (

Statement from Revolutionary Anarchist Action on today’s bombing in Ankara

  • Posted on: 10 October 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Rabble

Today, bombs placed at a rally in the Turkish town of Ankara killed at least 86 people. This comes in the context of the bomb attacks in Amed in June, against an election rally; the attack on Kobanê from Turkey’s borders in June and the attack in in July in Suruç against a delegation bringing aid to Kobanê. Many comrades in Turkey and Kurdistan blame these attacks on the Turkish state.

ISIS Recruiting Criminals, Anarchists Who Participated In Ferguson Riots

  • Posted on: 25 September 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From St Louis CBS

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is trying to recruit the criminals and anarchists in Ferguson who participated in riots after Officer Darren Wilson was not indicted in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

Turkey’s Insurrection

  • Posted on: 22 August 2015
  • By: stimulator
New video

This week we bring you nihilistic news from the climate front plus an update on the revolt in Turkey following the suicide bombing of Rojava supporters. Plus a turkish comrade gives us an in depth look at the political landscape in the region.

To watch this fuckin video visit -

Anarchy Initiative Call for Worldwide Solidarity Demonstrations Against the Turkish State July 26, 2015 / Anarşi İnisiyatifi

  • Posted on: 24 July 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Anarşi İnisiyatifi / Anarchy Initiative Call for Worldwide Solidarity Demonstrations Against the Turkish State July 26, 2015

Anarchists killed in the Suruç bombing in Turkey

  • Posted on: 20 July 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

(Originally from Anarchists in Support of Rojava-Kurdistan)

Two anarchists dead and one seriously injured today from an ISIS suicide bombing in ‪Suruc,‬ Turkey. Alper Sapan and Evrim Deniz Erol were killed, while Caner Delisu is in critical condition.

It has been confirmed the killing of Two of our ""Anarchist Comrades"" in this catastrophe. With Huge Huge Pain and Solidarity !!

با که بگوییم این اندوه بیکران را ؟؟ با چه کسی ؟؟
دو نفر از رفقای آنارشیست ما که خبر کشته شدنشان تائید شده است....

From Tuzluçayır to Kobane: Interview With An Anarchist Warrior

  • Posted on: 6 July 2015
  • By: worker

From Insurrection News

I’m one of the founders of Social Insurrection and also their spokesperson. When the attack of ISIS started in Kobane, in the name of international solidarity, not considering it too much, we idealized to raise the defense as International Brigades much like in the Spanish Civil War.

Anarchist hackers go to cyber war with ISIS

  • Posted on: 12 February 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From The Hill

The global hacker collective known as Anonymous is storming the international political scene with a brash hacking campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The shadowy anarchist group, which is known for waging online attacks on everyone from the U.S. government to the Church of Scientology, is trying to dismantle the vast social media operation that helps ISIS recruit new followers.

Anarchists vs. ISIS: The Revolution in Syria Nobody’s Talking About

  • Posted on: 6 February 2015
  • By: worker

From Cult Nation - by Gareth Watkins (photos: Erin Trieb)

The Middle East today is the last place anyone in mainstream western thought would think to look for progressive political thought, and even less to see those thoughts translated into action. Our image of the region is one of dictatorships, military juntas and theocracies built on the ruins of the former Ottoman Empire, or hollow states like Afghanistan, and increasingly Pakistan, where anything outside the capitol is like Mad Max.
