Anarchic Practices In the Territory Dominatred by the Chilean State

  • Posted on: 22 October 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Its Going Down

To get a picture of the anarchist movement in Chile and, further, to understand the phenomenon of its impetus, resurgence and persistence over time as an irreducible practice, threatening capitalist normality and unchecked of any negotiations with bourgeois legalism, one must understand the ongoing tension between the mechanisms of repression applied by the STATE and the liberating and uncompromising response by the ANTI-AUTHORITARIAN network throughout its history.

Paris: "Back off, or else your friends won't be released"

  • Posted on: 22 October 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

A first-hand account of an unpermitted march by the cops in Paris

For the past four days, the police have been illegally protesting in the streets of Paris each night. On Wednesday (October 19, 2016), their meet-up was set for 9:30pm in Republic Square. Some friends decided to go down and show their opposition to the gathering. First off, we were very few, at most fifty, and not nearly enough to confront the growing crowd of police, from 200 to a thousand. Here’s the story of a strange night caught between the state of emergency and the scent of mutiny.

The atmosphere was strange, there in Republic Square, where on one side a rally of Colombians was wrapping up, while on another a Jewish celebration was being held, and where a skatepark has sprung up in the same place where the General Assemblies for Nuit Debout were held this spring.

All the police cars that we watched arrive weren’t there to monitor the march, but rather to take part. Then the mobile gendarmerie got their riot gear out and made several attempts to encircle anyone who looked like a counter-protester.

France: Solidarity with prisoners of the social war

  • Posted on: 21 October 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

In this period of war and of generally heightened tension, the unbearable conditions under which we’re made to live are maintained by fear. Fear of losing your job and of coming up short at the end of the month, fear of police, fear of prison. This feeling is driven home by the indefinite extension of the state of emergency and by locking away for ever longer those who remain recalcitrant. And yet, there are so many reasons to revolt against this world of cash and cops, and so no wonder that many people don’t give in to resignation and continue to take action against it all, in small groups or in a crowd, by day or by night.

Because the social war against the deadly rule of state and capital, there can be no truce: attacks against borders, rebellions in jail, escapes from detention centres, sabotage against the construction of airports or of high-tension power lines. Ransacking schools, burning construction equipment or the cables that permit the flow of information and transportation. Destroying campaign offices, riots following yet another police killing, daily hustles to avoid wage slavery… Beyond any law, whether earthly or divine, this routine disorder is able to flourish freely.

Why anarchy (on screen) is so fashionable right now

  • Posted on: 20 October 2016
  • By: thecollective


The anarchist movement – in both its past and contemporary incarnations – is back to the cultural fore, and to such an extent that it echoes the surge in anarchist-themed entertainment before 1914.

The BBC has just aired a highly popular new adaptation of Joseph Conrad’s 1907 novel The Secret Agent. Then there’s Elie Wajeman’s 2015 film The Anarchists. And Bertrand Bonello’s controversial Nocturama, just screened at the 2016 London Film Festival. These three works of fiction probe the societal reasons for terrorism and criminality, holding up a mirror to contemporary anxieties.


A Short History of Freedom Press

  • Posted on: 19 October 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Freedoms Big Rebuild

This article, written by Wildcat author and longtime Freedom Press stalwart Donald Rooum in 2008, charts some of the early social history of anarchism and anarchist publishing, before looking at some of the upheavals which happened to Freedom in the 20th century. A personal view, it first appeared in Information for Social Change Number 27. Donald will be talking about his new compilation of Wildcat Greatest hits at Freedom on October 18th.

Propaganda By Deed And The Glory Of Self-Sacrifice: The Case of Peter Kropotkin

  • Posted on: 19 October 2016
  • By: thecollective


George Woodcock, a prominent Canadian writer and anarchist thinker, writes that anarchism’s “ultimate aim is always social change; its present attitude is always one of social condemnation, even though it may proceed from an individualist view of man’s nature; its method is always that of social revolution, violent or otherwise.”[1]

10-18-2016 Anarch Radio

  • Posted on: 18 October 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Kathan co-hosts. Trump=fascism? "Sully" movie is anti-tech. More clown
hysteria. Resistance in Portland. The Moth Snowstorm by Michael McCarthy
celebrates nature and its continuing beacon.
"The First Farmers" - domestication was imperialist. More cops shot.
Children of the New World by Alexander Weinstein (They Delete Their Kids).
Space travel and dementia.
Latest v. diluted product from Derrick Jensen. Action news, one call.

