TOTW: The Election

  • Posted on: 8 November 2016
  • By: thecollective

There seems to be two different attitudes regarding the election. Denounce it for all the world to see or simply ignore it and let the date pass you by. What attitude do you take and why?

Assuming that "business as usual" wins this particular election rather than "something like fascist" will business be as usual or will there be some kind of substantive change in the next 2-12 months that we could notice? What will that change be? Is a civil war possible? How about 100 days of coherent legislative agenda?

Ex-Worker #51 & #52

  • Posted on: 7 November 2016
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.

#51: Anarchism, Voting, and Direct Action: An Audio Zine & Do anarchists vote? If not, how do we express our voice and participate in changing society? What’s the problem with elections and representative democracy?

#52: An Ex-Voter’s Guide to the 2016 Presidential Election We know you’ve been on the edge of your seat, waiting for see which candidate will receive the Ex-Worker’s endorsement for president this year.

A Letter to ‘Rojavist’ Friends

  • Posted on: 6 November 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Libcom

This letter is not addressed to those militants who surf the net from one movement or struggle to the next, according to the direction of the media, with the goal of constructing a party or an organisation. It is addressed to you, friends and comrades of different cities, with whom we often share positions, and whose critical sense and reflexion we appreciate, but nevertheless with whom we are sometime in disagreement.


No Gods No Masters Part 1

  • Posted on: 5 November 2016
  • By: thecollective


Yesterday we posted the documentary on the history of Anarchism "No Gods No Masters" (it's amazing!) Seems the distributor made a mistake and made the upload public. By the the time they took it down, already hundreds of people had seen it, and some even downloaded it. One such person put in on YouTube. So for a limited time (probably) here is is again. - submedia

Aut Aut

  • Posted on: 3 November 2016
  • By: thecollective

From anarhija

When I translated and published the pamphlet Individuality and the anarchist group, signed by one of the CCF cells, Guerilla Urbana Cell, I added in a note that I didn’t do it because I agree with the content, but to make public how much this project, in my opinion, has turned away from its original form of tension to propose (or re-propose) an anarchist individualism which, in some ways, can be found in the pages of a different insurrectionist theory, but in this case approaching or even in some points leading to formal ideas, that is the formal organization.

Mexico: The Infiltration of CISEN in Anarchist Circles

  • Posted on: 3 November 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Contra Info & IGD. Translated by FW Villa

Some context

In the past few days various media outlets have published articles concerning “violent groups” in the Mexican territory.

These articles are a result of the Attorney General of Mexico (PGR) publicly revealing the names of groups that threaten social stability; these groups are anarchists, communists, radical ecology groups, eco-extremists, or groups of other political alignments.

The Brilliant Episode 34, part two of Isaac's Story

  • Posted on: 2 November 2016
  • By: thecollective

This episode is part two of the once-a-month series of interviews with Isaac Cronin where we discuss his interesting life. This episode mostly discusses his time in Berkeley in the mid-sixties and touches on the FSM (which is expanded on in the next interview).

Anarchy Radio 11-01-2016

  • Posted on: 1 November 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


A tale of two occupations; inside Standing Rock. Earth First! review
of BAGR#3. Low energy pop culture, labor unrest. "Will Standing Rock
Give Anarchism a Soul?" Modern Madness by Ed lord, Feral Conscious-
ness by Julian Langer. Every company a tech company. "Opioid Poison-
ings Surge Among Children." Ads of the week, the Rhino GX. Call-out for
G8 Hamburg July'17! Action reports, four calls.
