"I said he’s got to be the people’s horse, I don’t just want him on my own, I’m going to share him.”

1992 Cup winner still hard at work
tenplay.com.au|By Network Ten

Bad news if you're planning to marry Harry...

PRINCE Harry has been secretly dating American actress Meghan Markle, it is claimed, and has even won the approval of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Have you recently bought a Toyota HiLux? We would like to speak to you. Get in touch by clicking the link below.

Kid ditches the traditional Halloween mummy costume for something truly terrifying...

New report calls for universal access to two years of preschool for Aussie kids. What do you think?

Two years of high-quality preschool is one of the most effective strategies we have to change the trajectories of children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
theconversation.com|By Stacey Fox

Tonight Pete gets all the latest Hayne Report news straight from the source as he sits down for a chat with Jarryd Hayne!

Posted by The Project

Great week of guests ahead on #TheProjectTV!

Who's on The Project next week
tenplay.com.au|By Network Ten

"It's like everyone fell in love with me except for Georgia!" We chat to The Bachelorette Australia's Matty! 💔

Posted by The Project

We speak to Moo Baulch about the federal government's $100m support package to help family violence services.

Posted by The Project

“I’m a father myself of four children, so it could have been my kids.” Cab driver Aguek Nyok speaks about stepping in to help at the Moorooka bus fire.

Posted by The Project

Your Friday crew Lehmo, Waleed, Gorgi and Meshel Laurie are ready for the weekend! But first let's have a little bit of #TheProjectTV!

Tonight's question: what are your top tips for keeping the mozzies at bay? Discuss this and the show below.

Posted by The Project

Tonight we talk about nominative determinism! Do you have a name that matches your career?

Dr Karl thinks that any link between your name and your job nowadays is a coincidence!
tenplay.com.au|By Network Ten

You have the right to remain impressed at the NZ police's dancing skills!

Busting the moves.
mashable.com|By Elise Cooper

Despite life expectancy hitting a new high we still haven't cracked the code to immortality! Would you want to live forever?

Life-expectancy has hit a fresh all-time high with typical newborn girls now expected to live 84.5 years and a typical boys 80.4 years, up from 83.3 and 78.5 years a decade ago.
smh.com.au|By Peter Martin

TOP TIP: About to propose? Save some money and invest in a ring made out of gummy bears or fairy floss!

Miley Cyrus admits to Ellen DeGeneres that she loves Liam Hemsworth, but not her engagement ring.

Want some breakfast in Iceland? Just head to the nearest volcano!

This. Is. INSANE.
delish.com|By Rheanna O'Neil Bellomo

What reforms need to be made to help prevent domestic violence?

The Prime Minister joined 150 experts and leaders in an effort to end domestic violence
tenplay.com.au|By Network Ten

Just in case you need any new suggestions so you can have a sneaky Friday night in! What's the weirdest excuse you've ever heard?

Around 50% of Brits have admitted to lying their way of having to go out when they'd rather stay in on the sofa
mirror.co.uk|By Jessica Haworth

Arm yourself with insect repellent and close the flyscreen door, Victoria! The mosquitoes are here!

Floods and heavy rains in Victoria have caused mosquito numbers to soar, prompting the state's health authorities to issue an early warning.